Why Do We Have Norms In Groups?

Why do we have norms in groups?

If you observe different social groups, you will see they all have their own norms. It does not matter if they are formal or informal groups. These norms are part of our social life, and we accept the vast majority of them as fair and essential. That said, it’s worth asking – how do groups come up with these norms? What is the purpose of norms in groups?

Before answering these two questions, we should provide a definition of “norms”. This is important for understanding their origin and function. Homans defined “norm” as an idea that occupies the minds of group members. It acts as a point of reference when reality is ambiguous. It is used to regulate attitudes and behavior. In addition to the definition, it is important to understand that there are two types of norms:

  • Descriptive norms: These are norms that correspond to what the group members do in a given situation. They are the model for behavior that everyone should follow. They are used as a reference point when reality is ambiguous.
  • Normative norms:  These norms tell us what the group members approve or disapprove of. They specify what one “should” do and they represent the group’s morale. They act as a regulatory mechanism for attitude and behavior.
People with puzzles

The purpose of norms in groups

We know that all groups make norms. So, we can deduce that they must have some kind of function for group dynamics. Or at least they have some sort of consequence in the group. Otherwise, their existence would be meaningless. These features can be individual or social. They are individual when the consequences affect the subject. When they meet the needs of the group at a social or intergroup level, they are social. In most cases, the norm has both functions.

The primary function of norms in groups at the individual level is to act as a reference point. Thanks to norms, the person knows how to interpret and construct reality. This feature fits perfectly into certain social constructivist paradigms. These paradigms suggest that we construct reality through a culture of society and culture. Groups and their norms are the active means in this process.

At a social level, norms in groups have the following purposes:

  • Regulation and coordination of interactions and activities for group members. Norms help these interactions and activities to take place in an orderly manner. They help avoid chaos and conflict. Groups therefore avoid destruction or regression.
  • Achieving group goals. When groups create norms, they also create a behavioral uniformity in relation to the same goal. This contributes a lot to improving the effectiveness of achieving group goals.
  • Maintenance of group identity. A set of norms that tell you how to behave will help you differentiate yourself from the others. This is part of the origin of group identity that will categorize you as part of a particular group.
Norms in groups

How do groups create norms?

The development of norms is a question that has plagued many social psychologists. Levine and Moreland’s analysis looks at a large number of theories and experiments on how groups generate norms. Thanks to them, we can say that the group’s norms have two different origins: an inner origin or an outer origin.

Among the internal factors of origin we find:

  • Scripts or guidelines from members on how to behave in a given situation. The more members who share this guideline, the faster the norm is established.
  • Negotiation between members during conflict resolution.
  • By imitating another member’s patterns, they are accepted by the rest of the group.
  • Auto-categorization. This is when a norm occurs thanks to the information available in the group’s identity.

The most common and notable factor in terms of external origin is when an institution or a leader dictates a norm. These norms tend to come from outside the group or from a single member of the group. Therefore, the rest of the group is much more likely to reject it than they would if it had an inner origin. But it largely depends on the agreement and compatibility with the group’s goals.

Norms in groups are a part of our daily lives. They affect everything from how we do our job to how we dress for a party. Their influence is noticeable in our behavior, and usually in an implicit and unconscious way. Because of this, it is important to understand norms and their function. This will help us to see them with a critical eye and avoid acting against our morals or personal identity.

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