WhatsApp Couple: Sending Messages In Relationships
Messages that say “Good morning, I miss you” or “How is your day?” are simple gestures that enrich our romantic relationship. However, the overvoltage of messages in relationships and the dependence on the blue dots indicating that the message has been read can sometimes lead to extreme situations. In particular, it can lead to absolute control and misunderstandings that can lead to conflicts.
A recent study published in the journal Computers in Human Behavior revealed just how much our relationships are changing. In this study, Americans between the ages of 18 and 50 asked about the importance of messaging services in their daily lives. In particular, they asked about messages in relationships. The results could not be more decisive. The use of messaging services is the key to every relationship and a measurement tool of their quality.
Messaging is an indispensable form of communication for most of us. In particular, we use this tool to communicate with our family, colleagues and friends. We also use it with our romantic partners. The immediate responses and the closeness it creates strengthen conditions that are in the early stages. However, things seem to get complicated when we strengthen our relationship and reach the stage where we spend more time with each other.
Relationship messages: How does it affect us?
Text messages are delicately intimate but distant at the same time. In addition to strengthening relationships, they can give us a loving impetus during those moments of the day when we need them most. Furthermore, they can enrich the bond with our romantic partner.
However, it is an inevitable snag. Party therapists see an increasing phenomenon. They are aware that messages in relationships are often a double-edged sword.
Many of our disagreements and problems stem from the hyper-connection that surrounds us. Digital communication tools have an interesting feature. More specifically, they are mirrors that reflect our authentic personality. Through them, we channel our fears and obsessions.
To better understand this, all we need to do is reflect on all the ways messaging services affect our relationship.
Social networks, as well as the use of messaging services, are channels where we unconsciously reflect our insecurities. Consequently, they lead to cognitive reactions such as jealousy, suspicion and obsessive thoughts.
Ways messages disrupt relationships
- Constant contact. At the beginning of a relationship, we probably send our partners messages every half hour. However, it is very likely that at some point it will be impossible to maintain this flow of communication. When this happens, one of the two parties may begin to become suspicious, panic, and wonder if something is wrong.
- Our patience is being tested. With the start of messages in relationships, our bonds are tested. This is because of the famous blue dots that appear after our partner reads the message we sent. Leaving a message unanswered after reading it can arouse suspicion and frustration.
- Who are they online with? Seeing our partner online with someone other than us can create difficult and conflicting situations. In fact, some people completely stop being productive in their jobs because they constantly check if their partner is online.
- Messaging services are not good effective communication channels. Despite popular belief, these apps can lead to constant miscommunication. Incorrect communication does not happen so often when we talk face to face. This is because we can read our partner’s basic, non-verbal face-to-face communication.
- Passive-aggressive behavior. Messaging services are the perfect places to manifest passive-aggressive behavior. There are many studies that support this fact. For example, manipulation, either through harassment or disconnection, is a common and immature behavior that can lead to painful situations.
When we carry our love in our pocket
The fact that we have a mobile phone or a computer does not mean that we take good advantage of it, especially when it comes to using messaging services like WhatsApp. We carry our partners in our pockets. Love is portable in the twenty-first century, and we do not always make good use of it.
Therefore, it is not the new technology or the constant advances that are a mistake. We are guilty because we do not go in harmony with these wonderful resources that otherwise exist to make life easier.
Today, messages in relation show our uncertainties. Furthermore, it can turn jealousy into a weapon of mass destruction through messages, voicemails and emojis.
We should try to avoid these situations by educating young people better. Above all, we should try to make this resource an enriching mechanism for our relationships by starting with ourselves. We can do this by controlling our emotions, trusting our partner and understanding that authentic communication, the most satisfying type, is the one we do face to face and not through an app.