Training In Martial Arts Can Make Us Better People
Martial arts training is first and foremost a spiritual practice. It may seem contradictory that a set of techniques and skills designed for combat is at the same time a path to personal development. But, if we look at them from the right point of view, that’s exactly how it is.
The mind controls everything: this is a basic principle in martial arts. The body is only able to reach certain skills and powers if we train our mind with dedication in advance. In the same way , values associated with growth and peace (both internal and external) strengthen this practice.
In martial arts , the most important battle takes place against ourselves and our limitations. The training and education is about self-knowledge and overcoming everything that limits our potential. Each new achievement is the result of an internal process that pays off in the end.
The story and legend of martial arts
We do not know what the exact origin of martial arts is. What we do know is that ever since humans began living together in society, there have been wars. Thus, the precise moment that gave rise to what eventually became martial arts is not known.
On the other hand, we can find a legend, who talks about the origins of martial arts, from China. It says that an Indian monk named Bodhidharma came to southern China in the year 475. There he spent 9 years meditating in a cave. When he left his cave, he traveled to a monastery called ” Shaolin ” and was shocked by the terrible physical condition of the monks who lived there.
The monks practiced meditation often and for a long time, but they had forgotten to take care of their bodies. Thus, Bodhidharma decided to create a training program for them. The idea was to improve their physical condition, but also to help them defend themselves against robbers who were active in the area. Over time, the training program developed and became what we know today as martial arts.
Philosophy and martial arts
The true value of studying martial arts does not lie in learning techniques and skills for combat. Instead, the basic part is learning internal virtues. In this world, we only attain physical abilities after reaching a level of spiritual evolution necessary to develop bodily skills.
Every technique and every movement is connected to the inner world of the person who practices them. For example:
- The legs and feet are full of energy, with both creative and destructive power.
- The hands and arms have to do with intuition, dynamics and balance.
In martial arts, combat is an extreme situation where a person’s true abilities emerge. This is where learned values and skills are used in practice, with a simple goal: to preserve life. Your own as well as others.
Spirituality and Zen
Although there are different types of martial arts, they incorporate the most traditional Zen philosophy. They represent a symbolic search for the key that opens the lock that binds us. It is also a continuous exercise in putting away all kinds of thoughts and all forms of selfishness.
Zen in martial arts is based on four levels of awareness and action:
- Dominance over external objects. It aims to neutralize the effect of objects on consciousness, to prevent them from having power over us.
- Dominance over the physical body. This means training the body to obey the mind in any case.
- Dominance over emotions. The goal here is to achieve an inner balance through practicing meditation.
- Rejection of ego. This is the most difficult lesson, and involves forgetting oneself completely, getting rid of attachments and limitations.
As you can see, martial arts is a powerful tool for personal growth, development and self-knowledge for those who practice it. In today’s world, practicing martial arts does not mean becoming a hermit and hiding from the rest of society. But it can be an interesting solution for people who do not see results from conventional psychological therapies.