Together We Can Overcome Breast Cancer

You must understand that once you have managed to overcome breast cancer, your journey continues. This transformation continues on a daily basis.
Together we can overcome breast cancer

Each case of breast cancer is different on a molecular level as well as on an emotional level. Some cancers will be more invasive, others less so. Still, during this difficult journey, there is nothing to lose your hair or get a scar on your chest. The most important thing is to be alive and meet the challenge of overcoming breast cancer.

Science is full of surprises. Every day we hear more hopeful news about oncology and new technology to fight cancer. Treatments are becoming more and more accurate, as in the case of immunotherapy. Experts have figured out how to “train” the body so that an antibody can lead the immune system to fight malignant cells without damaging healthy tissue. These are big and meaningful steps forward.

Although it is true that the medicine is less invasive and more accurate every day, many women are still diagnosed with breast cancer. In fact, according to figures from the World Cancer Research Fund International, it is still the most common form of cancer in women worldwide. Since mortality falls every year, it makes sense to focus on the social and emotional impact the disease has on its survivors.

Each of these women has a name, a unique history, and a cancer with a specific biological profile. Yet, what unites them all is their fear and inevitable anxiety. All these exceptional women are forced to embark on this incredibly difficult journey that no one is prepared for.

As a result, most of these women managed to overcome breast cancer through a transformative journey. They become role models and our biggest inspiration. They represent real hope, and they show us that we can really do it all.

A woman with a pink breast cancer ribbon like a shirt.

Breast cancer: I’m proud of my arenas

Álvaro Rodríguez-Lescure, vice president of the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM), says that breast cancer is the type of cancer most commonly detected. That said, it is worth mentioning that there are countries where lung cancer is one of the leading causes of death among women. Smoking is a serious problem in some parts of the world, and this is something we should take into account.

Despite the fact that the survival rate for breast cancer is one of the highest, breast cancer patients ask themselves “Why me?” The University of Western Australia conducted a study in 2014 that looked at women’s perceptions of the causes of breast cancer. They found that most participants associated breast cancer with genetic and lifestyle factors.

However, clinical studies show that only 5 to 10% of breast cancer cases are related to a hereditary genetic mutation. The special mutation in the case of breast cancer is of the gene BRCA1 or BRCA2. It is clear that there are factors that increase the risk of developing this disease. But you can safely assume that it is still not possible to prevent it completely.

The most important thing is early detection. Experts say that the best chance of survival is with early detection using mammograms.

A woman, a story

One of the most important milestones in oncology was the discovery that breast cancer is heterogeneous. Each specific subtype requires its own treatment. As such, there will be women with more or less invasive treatments, different cycles of chemotherapy and radiation, and different pharmacological treatments with Tamoxifen and other drugs.

Some very young women are diagnosed with this disease. Others are diagnosed while pregnant. Many of these brave women refuse to let cancer disrupt their careers. They put on their headgear, go to their chemotherapy appointments, and try to live their lives as normal.

There are also women who want to be brave, but who simply can not . Metastatic or recurrent breast cancer does not always make room for victory. There will be periods of relapse, of course, and moments of sudden improvement. However, a diagnosis of is usually not a good sign. K is more e, more intense and more inspiring.

A pink boxing glove that stops cancer cells

Overcoming breast cancer is a transformative journey that leaves scars

Breast cancer leaves several scars. You can see some of them, but others you can not see or appreciate. We are not talking about the scars on the chest. Instead, we talk about the scars that cancer survivors carry around in silence.

  • Fear of relapse is quite common.
  • After radiation, hormone therapy, chemotherapy and surgery, women’s libido often decreases.
  • Many are forced to accept their new image, which requires professional and social support.
  • Similarly, many breast cancer surgeries require the removal of lymph nodes . This can have serious long-term effects, such as lymphedema. Lymphedema is the accumulation of fluid in the area of ​​surgery. In addition to accumulated fluid, the patient may also experience inflammation, pain and limited mobility. This can make simple tasks like combing your hair very difficult.
A therapist supports a patient with breast cancer

You must understand that once you have managed to overcome breast cancer, your journey continues . This transformation continues on a daily basis. You need to overcome your fears and deal with the side effects. Not only do you have to take care of yourself, but you also have to take care of others. Maybe you yourself help women in the same situation.

Together we can overcome breast cancer. Breast cancer changes your life. But your life does not stop. When you have so much more to live for, the scars can make you stronger.

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