Three Simple Things That Have Become Complicated

Mankind has some serious problems to solve, but many spend too much time solving fictitious difficulties. These are sometimes generated by countless simple things that have suddenly become complicated for no reason at all. We analyze this below.
Three simple things that have become complicated

We live in conflicting times, where extremely complex relationships have become simple and simple things have become complex. These days, it’s relatively easy to connect to different parts of the planet in seconds, but saying hello to a neighbor can be a great accomplishment.

To a large extent, consumerism is a factor that has made simple things difficult. Just as modernity provides fantastic advances that we should take advantage of, it is also possible that some important values ​​from the past may come in handy. Here are three simple things that have become complicated.

Woman by a water.

Eating, one of the simple things that has become complicated

Eating is not optional, because if we do not eat, we will die. Until just a few decades ago, food was just a part of the simple things in life. It was not a big mystery. People ate what was available, and tried to prioritize what had more nutrients and was more tasty.

Today, however, food is something that has become more complicated. In our time, virtually all foods cause harm, and the diet has become very complex for some people. Lactose-free milk, decaffeinated coffee, sugar-free, salt-free, flour-free, gluten-free, meat-free, fat-free. Not too much of anything, but not too little either. Do not combine this with this…

Things could have been a lot easier. On the one hand, it is a good idea not to eat too much of certain things. This is common knowledge that has existed since the Stoics, and this has not changed. On the other hand, the less processed foods you eat, the better.

You should not consider eating as a threat, but it does not have to be a wonderful ritual either. It’s easier than that.

Getting dressed has become complicated

Consumerism has reached absurd levels. Many people probably know that their grandparents only bought new clothes from time to time. The products were of such good quality that people could inherit them from older brother to younger or from father to son.

What people were looking for were clothes to keep them warm enough when it was cold, or to make them feel cool when it was hot. The criteria for dressing every day was utility and comfort. For that reason, people bought clothes that were durable, well made and made of suitable materials.

Clothes have always had to do with aesthetics. However, our ancestors gave relevance to this aspect only on special days or occasions. It was common for everyone to wear the Sunday dress on days when there was no work or special celebrations.

This is very difficult in today’s world, especially for some people who are extremely focused on the opinion of others. Changing trends make certain garments old quickly and guarantee high consumption. This is a perfect example of one of the simple things that has become complicated.

Woman shopping.

3. Simple things that have become complicated: Have fun

It’s weird that having fun also fits into the list of simple things that have become complicated, but it does. People have created hundreds of opportunities to have fun, but the point is, they are not that fun. Instead, they let us have time to walk or entertain us for a while.

Today, there is a giant entertainment industry that creates famous characters in the entertainment world. Obviously there are highly talented people, but there are also singers who do not sing, actors who can not play, and writers who can not write. Some celebrities are basically a continuation of the modeling world.

Celebrities are created, and people make huge amounts of money at concerts and performances. Many people today are spectators of this type of entertainment, but not really active participants. However, people have forgotten that a good conversation, a simple game, a dance or a good reading is actually fun.

The word divertere (adspre; more; amused; entertain) comes from the Latin divertere . This means “to turn in the opposite direction, to recreate “. However, this is not what happens with much of today’s “fun”. Instead, it is quite the opposite, since we are drowning in an internal repetition of the same trends.

Food, clothing and fun should be easier and more accessible. Maybe making things easier is part of the way to get your well-being back.

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