The Keys To Being A Better Person Every Day
Sigmund Freud once said that science has not yet created a medicine as powerful as kind words. You have probably wondered if there are any keys to being a better person. The answer to this question is complex. Striving for this goal, however, will have a transforming effect both for those around you and for yourself.
Furthermore, philosophy is the field that is treated with the definition of this existential competence, which more than one purpose is an ambition. Most people are interested in becoming a better person and working towards it on a regular basis. After all, every life experience, positive or negative, should help you develop into a better person.
Sometimes you succeed, while other times it takes you back to the starting line. As Søren Kierkegaard pointed out, however, the key is not to give up. The secret here is to continue to promote positive thoughts despite existential contradictions. The desire for a better future starts with yourself.
The keys to being a better person every day
If you want the keys to being a better person every day, keep reading. Three disciplines have focused on this: anthropology, philosophy and psychology. Contrary to many people’s beliefs, this is not just about positive psychology. In reality, several disciplines are interested in becoming a better person.
On the other hand, there is one detail that is important to keep in mind. This goal must be a daily ambition. Honestly, you can not always complete this task. It is more than likely that you will find yourself fallible, and you are right. There will not come a day when you realize that there is nothing about yourself that you should work on. Being aware of this is in fact already an achievement in itself.
The keys to being a better person according to the philosophy
Aristotle pointed out that everyone is capable of being good and virtuous. However, you have to be friendly for it to become a habit. Here are some keys to achieving this:
- Be careful. Caution is related to the ability to be reflective. This means thinking things through before making a decision and treating others with the respect and gratitude they deserve.
- Temperament control (in other words emotional control). It is important that you learn to master inner realities such as anger, rage, ego or the need for power to become a noble being.
- Fairness. Being fair in everything you do, being respectful and distinguishing between right and wrong is important to being a better person.
- Strength. Every human being must have the courage to defend his faith.
What anthropology says on this subject
Oliver Scott Curry is an anthropologist at the University of Oxford and a fellow at the Institute of Cognitive and Evolutionary Anthropology. He conducted a study published by the Current Anthropology journal. In it, he addressed the questions that determine how you can become a better person. Dr. Curry defined these dimensions as moral rules that have been studied in 60 countries. Let’s see what they are.
- Take care of the people you care about. It is important to adopt behaviors that benefit them and that guarantee their happiness.
- Help your community.
- Learn to appreciate services and give them back.
- Be brave and do not be afraid to stand up for yourself and what you believe in.
- Respect people no matter who they are.
- Share your resources.
- Do not be jealous of others. Focus on yourself.
The keys to being a better person according to psychology
People like Abraham Maslow and Martin Seligman approached this topic in an interesting, practical and useful way. Being a better person means making a journey through areas such as emotional intelligence and gratitude. To give your best in all circumstances, you must strive to achieve authentic self-realization.
Dimensions you need to work on to achieve this goal:
- Self-knowledge. Knowing yourself is the existential threshold and your most important purpose at all times. Getting in touch with your authentic self will definitely guide you on the journey.
- Practice acceptance. Something that will surely save you from suffering is to learn and accept people for who they are. Ultimately, you simply cannot change certain realities, you can only accept them.
- Control your emotions. No one is to blame for what happens to you. After all, you are responsible for yourself, and you must act appropriately. This means that you must learn to control your emotions. You must also be able to respond in an intelligent way.
- Forgive, thank and acknowledge. Learning to forgive others (and yourself) is the key. Also learn to be grateful.
- Be empathetic. Few dimensions enhance coexistence as the social glue of empathy.
- Be compassionate and self-compassionate. Compassion is an important dimension you must remember. Thanks to it, you are able to respect others and develop proactive behaviors that can improve the lives of those around you. Likewise, nothing is as important to well-being as a compassionate dialogue with yourself.
In short, the approach you choose to use does not matter. Each discipline supports common dimensions you need to practice. Remember that this is more complex than you might think. After all, there is room for improvement every day.