The Four Keys To Dealing With Life Crises

The four keys to dealing with life crises

Most of us have gone through complicated situations that we had to overcome. Life crises that force us to stop our normal lives or even close doors for us. We can classify life crises as negative because they make us change how we act or think, but they can also prove to be opportunities to move on. What can be done to deal with life crises?

Although there are many types of life crises, some are more common than others. For example, there are those related to aging, such as the transition from childhood to adolescence, adolescence to adulthood, midlife crisis and old age crisis.

There are also identity-related crises that have to do with who we are and what we identify with, as well as crises that are due to the death of someone we love, a breakup, a divorce or losing a job.

Crises are opportunities to transform, transitional moments that make you act. Here we explain 4 ways to deal with life crises with the goal of getting stronger on the other side.

A sad woman

1. Confront what is happening to you to deal with life crises

A life crisis can begin with some alarming signs, such as feelings of sadness and fear, anxiety or pain. If we pretend not to experience these symptoms, they can get worse, resulting in obvious symptoms and terrible consequences.

We must recognize that our personal history affects how we view crises and how we deal with them. For example, if we are going through a breakup, feelings of being abandoned may come up because of what we experienced during our childhood.

Furthermore , the way we usually deal with problems can also be crucial. If we tend to worry too much about small things, we are more likely to feel overwhelmed during a crisis, making life more difficult to deal with. Therefore, it is important to reflect on what is happening to us to seek new alternatives, make decisions and make necessary changes.

A difficult situation can also cause us to re-evaluate our values ​​and beliefs and cause us to re-evaluate our goals. Life crises cause us to assess ourselves and learn new ways of approaching difficulties, and therefore we can not stand still and must continue to walk instead.

2. Know that life crises are temporary

Crises, like other processes, have a beginning, a development, a climax and an end. It is very effective to train the mind to remember that what happens to us will eventually pass.

But what do we do to deal with the temporary pain? Crises usually come with opportunities for change, and therefore we can take advantage of them to learn other views and other ways of acting. Actually, they are the perfect moments to stop repeating behaviors and attitudes that do not take us anywhere.

However , the temporary nature of the life crisis is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it helps reduce pain as we transform ourselves. But the opportunities that come with these crises will also disappear after a while. Our attitude towards them will play a fundamental role. It depends on us to get out stronger or weaker.

A boy looks out the window

Let go of the past

Previous solutions have stopped working. The latter situation, even though we thought it was better, no longer exists. Accepting it will help us better control our emotions. Although the past is more comfortable and gives a sense of security, the sooner we recognize what we are dealing with, the sooner we find new strategies to overcome it.

On many occasions, it creates a false sense of control over the unknown. But during a crisis , we must face our insecurities and weaknesses. That is why, instead of using our past as an excuse, we can use it as a reference. This makes it easier to identify strengths and resources that we forgot we had.

Moreover, when we do not hold on to the past, we can see the future more clearly to reflect on where we want to go. Now, if we are still obsessed with it, it can block the way and make us believe that our goals are impossible to reach.

Therefore, if we let go of it, we are more likely to realize that the crisis is just a blockage in the way. Visualizing the future can even provide new opportunities.

4. Ask for help

Life crises often fill us with embarrassment and guilt, emotions that can push us away from our loved ones. However, there is nothing wrong with admitting that we cannot get out of a situation alone. Support from those closest to us, or those who are going through the same thing, can give us the strength to deal with life crises. However, it is important that these people we seek support from are optimistic and willing to help us reflect or ease our anxiety.

We can also consult a psychologist for an objective and non-judgmental perspective. A professional can offer us a safe room to talk about our situation and our feelings without fear. They will help us think about what is happening and find a solution for it.

What is important is to be aware that it is not necessary to go through it all alone. There are inevitable crises that are just a part of life. We all have to deal with life crises. People also experience other crises, those that have to do with relationships. This is why talking to others can help us feel understood.

A few hugs.

Life crises are not necessarily tough processes, but we can not ignore them and think that they will eventually pass. They are not easy to overcome, and they take time, but they can also be opportunities to find and define ourselves.

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