The Effects Cocaine Has On The Brain

Cocaine is one of the most consumed and addictive drugs available. The way it affects the brain is quite harmful, apart from the feeling of euphoria and well-being one first experiences. Read on to learn more about the effect cocaine has on the brain.
The effects cocaine has on the brain

The effects of cocaine on the brain are devastating. This is the second most used drug in the world, and it has been a health problem since the 80’s. The substance, which comes from the coca plant, leads to feelings of euphoria, increased energy and mental alertness in those who use it. It also reduces their appetite and need for sleep.

In addition to these short-term effects, cocaine use also has long-term consequences, such as emotional and behavioral disorders. Continue reading to learn about the main effects cocaine has on the brain in terms of anatomical, metabolic and functional levels.

Man with his hands in front of his face

Anatomical and metabolic effects

This substance affects the noradrenergic and dopaminergic systems of the brain. More specifically, it promotes the release of norepinephrine, while inhibiting the uptake of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine by synapses. Thus, in the space between the communication between two neurons, also called the synaptic cleft, the availability of these neurotransmitters is much greater.

This effect leads to a number of long-term changes in the brain. In post-mortem studies, researchers observed that the brains of cocaine users had a lower amount of dopamine in the striatum. They also had a lower density of monoamines and expression of ribonucleic acid (RNA) encoding the dopamine transporter. In addition, they could see an increase in microglia cells and macrophages. This means that cocaine consumption is related to the loss of both dopaminergic terminals and whole nerve cells.

This cell damage creates reward pathways, of which the dopaminergic pathway is a part. This changes its functionality and causes forced consumption. Furthermore, the reduced presence of natural dopamine, a hypodopaminergic condition, causes symptoms such as abstinence, depression and so-called “cravings”.

Researchers also observed that the consumption of cocaine and other drugs increased the presence of free radicals and oxidative stress. Although these cells are necessary, they are an integral part of aging and cell damage. In addition, they disrupt the function of the blood-brain barrier, which is very important in protecting the brain from harmful external agents and maintaining homeostasis.

Cocaine consumption is also directly linked to effects on the cerebral vasculature, making it more likely that one will suffer a stroke. In addition, an increase in tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is seen.

Woman leaning forward

The functional effects cocaine has on the brain

The changes and damages we mentioned above have a number of consequences for the neuropsychological functionality of the consumer. In general, those who use cocaine perform poorly in neuropsychological evaluations. These effects manifest themselves in their attention, memory, inhibition of responses, and executive functions.

More specifically, cocaine affects the processes associated with selective and sustained attention, as well as working memory, visual memory and learning ability. These effects are actually more pronounced during periods of abstinence.

When it comes to executive functions, those who use cocaine show several errors when it comes to inhibiting responses. They are also more impulsive and less able to make decisions. This is also associated with lower flexibility in the face of change, as well as a lower ability to process errors and handle incidents.

In short, the use of cocaine, which is possibly the most common drug, can affect users in many ways. In addition to the effects we have described in this article, they may also experience many emotional, behavioral, and social consequences that affect their quality of life.

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