The Curious Link Between Being Late And Being Creative

The curious link between being late and being creative

We all have one friend who always arrives late. In fact, you may be the one who is always late. This makes those around you who are always precise very nervous. They do not cope when others arrive 15 minutes or even half an hour late. What they do not know is that if you are usually late to places, it may be because you are more creative.

Of course, there are exceptions, and being late does not always mean that you are more creative than everyone else. Psychologists at San Diego State University revealed that people who are always late are much more creative than people who are punctual. Furthermore, they have not only designated creativity as a trait for people who tend to be late. Optimism is also linked to what many call a “bad habit of being late”.

Personality type B is characterized by delays

If one of your defining characteristics is getting late everywhere, your personality is probably type B. That’s what a recent study in New York has found out. In the study, 181 workers were analyzed to know why they were late. The result confirmed the previous statement.

But what qualities do people with this type of personality have? What sets them apart from the rest?

  • You rarely see them hurrying as if they are having a bad time.
  • They are almost never stressed or impatient, even when the situation demands it.
  • They do not think that being extremely productive is necessary.
  • Filling their time with multiple tasks is not part of their agenda or schedule.
  • They take the time to analyze problems, and therefore find the best solutions for them.

As you can see, people with personality type B are very calm and rarely get carried away by stressful situations. This is a very positive thing, although many people find such calm outrageous. But it is true that they tend to find much more ingenious solutions to their problems. This is because people with personality type B do not allow themselves to be influenced by small things. They are not worried about the details.

Does this mean that only people with personality type B can be creative? Of course not. But they have many elements in their favor. Being creative depends a lot on the inspiration you have and the time you can spend to let your creativity show. If you are easily stressed and always in a hurry, creativity may not be as noticeable as in people who are more relaxed.

A different perception of time makes you more creative

If you worry a lot about time, you may not understand how people who think they have more hours left can control their time. The truth is that their perception of time is very different. Some may even say that they have a distorted view of it.

People who are usually late think or feel that they always have many hours available. That’s why they are not always aware that they are late, they thought they still had a good time!

Interestingly, although they are usually late everywhere, it does not generate any stress for them. They have a different perception of time that does not agree with others. For example, it does not agree with the perception of time for people with personality type A. Their characteristics are completely opposite of type B people.

According to studies performed on this topic, take  people with personality type A Considering that a minute passes in 58 seconds. While people with personality type B feel that a minute passes in 77 seconds. Although this does not seem like a significant difference, this 17 second difference can lead to a significant delay over the days.

Is there any solution to this problem? The advice we can give to people who tend to be late are the ones you are probably already thinking about. Get organized, try to discover what you are wasting time on. Appreciate the time, get used to having a watch and be aware of the time. However, the type of personality we have is what really defines us.

In fact, being late can be a sign of creativity and optimism. A sign that you handle things more relaxed, and that you strive harder to enjoy and take advantage of the present. This does not happen with people who are very punctual. For them, the clock is a great source of stress and time is gone in a matter of moments.

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