The 10 Best Quotes By Maria Montessori

Maria Montessori is one of the greatest thinkers of the 20th century. She was a doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist, philosopher, anthropologist, biologist, educator and scientist. Her education was impressive. She was in fact the first Italian woman to receive a professional degree in medicine. Her quotes are memorable and affect today’s education.

Maria Montessori revolutionized education. Her ideas and conclusions had an impact on pedagogy around the world. Today, many of her teaching methods are used on a daily basis, although users do not always realize this.

Maria Montessori’s quotes reflect many of the ideas she put forward about education. Her approach to education was to be caring and respectful of the children. She gave games an important value and made independent learning central. These are some of her most memorable affirmations.

Quotes by Maria Montessori for help

One of the best quotes by Maria Montessori is, “in reality , the one being helped is limited in his independence. This concept will be the basis for the dignity of the people in the future; ‘I will not be helped, because I am not incompetent.’ And this idea must be achieved before people can feel truly free. ”

Girl putting on a shoe

The concept of help from Maria Montessori always warns about the consequences of not clarifying what is considered help and what is not. Making things easy for children instead of helping them only helps to slow them down. This is very clear in another of her teachings, “Any unnecessary help prevents development.”

The purpose of education

Maria Montessori established a strong bond between education and freedom. You teach and learn to become more independent and self-reliant. To avoid manipulation and be able to act consciously and without pressure. From this follows one of Maria Montessori’s quotes, “Development takes the form of a driving force towards a gradually growing independence. It is like an arrow being released from the bow, flying straight, fast and safe. ”

The teacher is a guide in the process towards independence. They can not, and should not, make students subordinates. On the contrary, the teacher’s goal is for their students to need them less and less, and not be so dependent on them. This is very well captured in one of Maria Montessori’s most beautiful quotes. “The biggest sign of success for a teacher is to be able to say, the kids work as if I do not exist.”

Education changes everything

Montessori was convinced that education was a key factor in changing the world. She believed that this was the area where human history could take a better direction. She stated, “if salvation and help are to come, it is through the children; for the child is the builder of man. ”

Boy pretending to be a pilot

Also another of Maria Montessori’s quotes points out the following, “Education from the beginning of life can really change the present and the future of society.” In the previous quote, and also in this, the value of the child as the builder is emphasized by new realities. And the role of education is determined as the field that enables these major changes.

The physical world and the mental world

An important part of Maria Montessori’s pedagogical method is based on facilitating so that children can interact with their reality. Not to let them observe it, but to come into physical contact with it. You need to help them explore and learn from their own experiences. Maria Montessori saw no sharp distinction between the physical and the mental world. On the contrary, she found that the two dimensions complemented each other perfectly.

This is reflected in the phrase, “If we consider physical life on the one hand and mental life on the other, we break the cycle of connections, and a person’s actions remain separate from the brain.”

How to transfer education to a child?

For Maria Montessori, education was an integrated process. It is not useful to just shape the intellect, but instead shape integrated individuals. That is why teaching is not just about transferring knowledge. It is also an ethical act, based on respect and love. The big difference between education and instructions is clear in the quote, “The best instruction is the one that uses the least possible words for the purpose.”

Teacher who teaches two students

One of the most beautiful quotes by Maria Montessori is, “If you criticize a child too much, they will learn to judge. If you praise the child regularly, they will learn to appreciate. ” It is a very clear understanding that allows us to realize that, ultimately, the child will reflect what the adults equip them with.

The Montessori method is one of the clearest and most intelligent in pedagogy. Its effect is unlimited. Almost a century after its formation, it is still valid. And it remains valid because it is the fruit of deep sensitivity and overwhelming clarity.

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