Strategies For Developing Adaptive Intelligence
The Flynn effect is the name of the much-studied increase in average IQ over the years. From 1938 to 2008, the more optimistic studies estimate that the average IQ has risen more than 30 points. Over the last decade, these numbers have flattened out and actually started to fall. Perhaps more alarming is that experts believe that we are losing something called “adaptive intelligence”.
The idea that our intellectual abilities have diminished in recent years is disturbing and requires reflection. Perhaps the fact that we rely too much on technology affects certain skills such as problem solving, creative thinking, memorization, and even finding our way without Google Maps.
Robert J. Sternberg, Yale professor, author of the triarchic theory of intelligence, and one of the most prominent researchers in his field, argues that the problem goes even deeper. He believes that we are losing the opportunity to develop new strategies for responding and adapting to change.
Adaptive intelligence and how to develop it
For decades, the idea of what intelligence is and how people display intelligence has changed significantly. Today, the intelligence quotient or IQ is the most widely used tool for measuring intelligence.
It is also the controversial and heavily criticized theory of many intelligences and the idea that emotional intelligence is very important. Which theory is thus correct? Some argue that all of these ideas are valid.
After all, people express intelligence through creativity, problem-solving abilities, flexibility and the way we understand and respond to other people.
Professor Sternberg explains a very interesting aspect of this discussion in his essay Earth to Humans: Get with it or get out! Adaptive intelligence in the age of human-induced catastrophes. He argues that the time has come to reformulate this concept and introduce something more useful. He suggests something he calls adaptive intelligence.
Better educated but with lower IQ
As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, the Flynn effect flattened out in 2008. After that, the average IQ began to fall. Do we get dumber with the years? The answer is probably not that simple. Dr. Sternberg believes that we may have been too focused on teaching skills that are not particularly useful for modern needs.
In other words, today’s problems may require abilities that no one is taught. Perhaps factions, equations, knowing the names of all the rivers in Europe and which king conquered France in 1415 are not particularly useful for solving climate change.
Sternberg points out that we can no longer measure intelligence with a simple test, or just think about it when it comes to IQ. There are whole generations of incredibly well-educated people who do not have much to offer when it comes to solving these most pressing problems. That is the reality we live in. The only useful perspective right now is that which is part of a concept that is not really new, adaptive intelligence.
Adaptive intelligence
Albert Einstein said it, and Stephen Hawking repeated it: The only valid notion of intelligence is the ability to change. That is, an intelligent person is a person who can adapt to the changes in the environment in an innovative way, no matter how difficult these changes are. It is about being aware of the challenges we face in order to respond to them in an original and successful way.
Adaptive intelligence integrates all the processes, knowledge, skills and abilities that help you not only cope with change, but take advantage of it and move on. This is challenging, no doubt about it.
How to develop adaptive intelligence
To lay the foundation for adaptive intelligence, you need to start with clean sheets. This involves a reformulation of many things you take for granted. It also means having an open mind that is able to be self-critical and aware of the needs, challenges and dynamics of the current context.
Here are some strategies you can use to activate your adaptive intelligence.
Stop using the past as a reference point
Everyone has a past. No matter what your story is or what experiences you have had, you should understand that things that have already happened can not be a useful point of reference. What is happening today is completely different. Therefore, if you base your actions on the past, they will probably not be very useful at all.
Instead, focus on building the future by taking risks and developing new capabilities.
Out with expectations, out with the uncertain
Linear thought patterns and expectations are not very useful anymore. Thoughts like “I’m going to do this because I know this will happen and I can solve it this way” do not work. You can not take anything for granted anymore because there is so much uncertainty in the world.
The time has come to let go of old thought patterns and understand that things have changed. The only way forward is through adaptation. We should emphasize that adaptation does not mean that you only want to accept the status quo. Instead, it is about understanding what you are dealing with in order to transform your reality.
Emotions, intelligence and intuition
Robert J. Sternberg invites readers to reflect on something important. Adaptive intelligence must exist alongside artificial intelligence. Technology will play a crucial role in our lives, so we need to know how to deal with it.
We will have to find ways to adapt to a future where information is constantly changing, and many things will be automatic thanks to AI. That said, humans will always have an advantage over artificial intelligence. After all, emotion, intuition, and human judgment will always be invaluable.
These are our best weapons. Knowing how to combine our intelligence with these skills will always give us an advantage, which is why it is so important to think of ways to develop these skills. The time has come to focus on our adaptive abilities so that we can be transformed along with the ever-changing world.