People Who Lack Empathy
Some people are like light in our lives, while others darken our path and make it difficult to travel. In the same way, there are people who would do unimaginable things to help us and others who would not lift a finger even if our lives depended on it. The latter lacks empathy.
There are relationships that enrich our path and others that do not. Have you ever noticed that there are people who just can not understand that you are doing wrong? Have you talked to people who do not pay attention to your thoughts and feelings? These people lack empathy. They are not interested in putting on another person’s shoes.
Empathy is the ability to understand another person’s reality while thinking about or being aware of their feelings. There are people who do not have this quality. In this article, we explain what these people are like and what disorders are related to the inability to feel empathy. We also talk about how you can relate to people who lack empathy.
Things that people who lack empathy do not do
People who do not care about others do not have the opportunity or interest to understand or perceive how another person feels. There are cases of disinterested people who lack empathy. Here are some of the things they do not usually do:
- Worries about you. They do not pay attention to you, perhaps because they are too focused on themselves or just because they do not care what happens to you.
- They are not sensitive. Even if you tell them what you think or feel, they do not show interest in perceiving and understanding what you are going through.
- They do not trust others. By not perceiving what we think and feel, those who lack empathy do not feel safe with others.
- It is difficult for them to believe in the feelings of others. People who are not interested in the well-being of others doubt their feelings. That is why they are cold when others talk to them about how they are feeling.
- They are not compassionate. These people do not feel compelled to alleviate other people’s pain or suffering.
With these qualities in mind , it may be easier for you to see which people in your environment are not empathetic. Remember that there are nuances. There are people who lack empathy and people who have too much of it.
Self-absorbed people who lack empathy
People who lack empathy do not put themselves in another person’s shoes. Therefore, they ignore the feelings, thoughts, and desires of others. One of the most outstanding qualities of people who lack empathy is their selfishness.
People who lack empathy can be very selfish. They think about their own well-being first without thinking about the needs of others. They also exploit situations and people to their own advantage.
In addition, they push the boundaries of reciprocity. This means that they only give something if they get something in return. They do not do things uninterested. They relate to us in an almost arrogant way, which makes manipulation a way of life.
Therefore, those who lack empathy can be cold. When we experience an unpleasant situation with them, we end up feeling misunderstood or that they do not care about us. This is because they are only concerned about their own well-being. These people are unfriendly and find it difficult to get in touch with others.
Disorders associated with people who lack empathy
We can all be devoid of empathy sometimes. However, there are people who carry this trait around on a daily basis. Some mental disorders are associated with a lack of empathy. Here are three of them:
- Narcissistic personality disorder. These people are self-centered and only care about themselves. In addition, they leave others. The lack of empathy in this personality disorder has to do with the fact that they cannot see beyond themselves.
- Psychopathy. This disorder is related to the inability to adapt to social norms. It is difficult for people with this disorder to connect with others.
- Borderline personality disorder. People with this disorder are usually emotionally unstable, making it difficult for them to maintain stable relationships. It is difficult for them to understand and predict how other people will feel.
When you make an effort to explain to these people how their actions hurt you, they usually do not understand your explanation and will even make you feel guilty. They may try to turn you on and tell you that you were the one who behaved badly. Be careful. A person who lacks empathy can cause a lot of pain towards those who are empathetic.
How to deal with people who lack empathy?
Some people who lack empathy not only find it difficult to understand us, but they manipulate us to get what they want. Here are some ideas on how to deal with these people:
- Set boundaries. You decide how far these people can go with you. Do not let them take advantage of you.
- Choose your friends wisely. If you feel that the people in your life do not prioritize you, leave them.
- Be assertive. Communicate what you want to say in the best possible way. That way, they know exactly how you are feeling.
- Get away if you do not feel an emotional connection with this person.
However, extremes do not lead us anywhere. Sometimes we can make the mistake of just seeing our interests. This does not mean that we are not empathetic. In addition, it is important to choose the people we spend time with wisely. We have to be careful.
People who lack empathy are really uninterested in others. They cannot sit in another person’s shoes to understand how they think and feel. They also do not see outside their world, so they remain wrapped up in themselves.
Escape from people who twist your mind to make you feel guilty. They are just trying to take you into their world to get what they want from you. These people are controlling and cold. They have a hard time expressing what they feel and they will not understand the situations you are going through.