I Have Learned That Being With Those I Like Is Enough

I have learned that being with those I like is enough

“I have learned that being with those I love is enough,” Walt Whitman  wrote   with great sensitivity. We address this to talk about the importance of what we popularly call ” feeling comfortable”.

Let’s think about how good we feel when we’re at a party surrounded by people who love us. Let us then consider the difference between feeling comfortable at work and not feeling comfortable.

We can mention an abundance of situations where we talk about the importance of appreciating what we have. What makes us happy are the incentives that make us interested in staying in a place with certain people.

Woman smelling of flower

Disappointments, a matter of expectations

It is normal (and normal) for us to be disappointed from time to time.  In fact, the hardest thing is not to feel this, because ultimately, we can not hope that our expectations fit reality and the world around us.

To put this in perspective, it would be unfair and narcissistic to expect everything to be the way we wanted it to be. However, we must not give up hope that this should be the case, and this is where our attitude becomes an important point.

Imagine that we are planning a party for someone who is special to us and we put all the hopes in the world into this process. When the person in question arrives, they start protesting on several things, because what you had organized ” does not fit into their plans

Woman covers her eyes with leaves

This person’s attitude is unfair, and shows a low emotional intelligence, because they do not appreciate what is really important; that there are people by their side who love them, and that there is something that we should usually be grateful for all of us.

When we say it like this, what we mean is that when we become the one who automatically protests and walks around complaining about every detail that does not meet our expectations, we are: 

  • where we want to create an unreal world that is not ideal.
  • guilty of treating the essence of the situations in a bad way.
  • inattentive to what really matters.

Our own circumstances bring us back to reality,  and make us see that if we are not really comfortable, it is because we refuse to accept something that may, by accepting it, in itself prove to be absolutely wonderful. .

Butterflies around light bulb

To accept our feelings and our reality

A world where everything is just gold and green forests – it does NOT EXIST. It is important for us to accept that the feelings of sadness, fear and anger are not worse. They help us learn and feel. It may seem strange, but in fact we are often surprised when we feel comfortable being sad.

How is it possible for us to feel comfortable when there are unpleasant feelings in circulation? It is simply a matter of being able to adapt to what we need there and then. To do that, we must first stop caring about marketing that will sell us a world that is just gold and green forests.

We are not machines, and we do not always land on our feet in this life. Realizing this allows us to maintain an appropriate attitude toward the flood of problems that sometimes take away our inner peace. Having a good time does not always mean a continuous joy, it also means being able to accept our own experiences, the  search for what is good for us, and finding our place.

In short, as we have already mentioned:  to feel comfortable, we need an attitude filled with acceptance and coexistence,  because ultimately, the one who has a wonderful life is the one who can admire its beauty and accept that bad things someone times happen.

Hand touches water

To conclude, we would like to introduce you to a section of a poem written by Borges that we have already used on other occasions, “Over time I have learned”:

Bird in a cage

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