How To Get Better Contact With People?

Human connections require neither magic nor complicated tricks. Contact requires honesty and the ability to show yourself to others from a place of humility, emotional balance and empathy; it is about learning about the other person and discovering their characteristics and needs.
How to get better contact with people?

What do we really need to get better contact with people? What can you do to make a good impression, excite and leave people with a lasting impression that will help you build long lasting relationships? At some point in your life, you most likely wanted to uncover the mystery that makes human relationships strong, a mystery related to the fascinating psychology of contact and connections.

Thus, you can ask yourself what it really means “to get in touch”. If you look it up in the dictionary, you can, for example, find explanations such as “bringing two things into contact (devices, systems) so that there is a reaction or a form of communication between them”. Humans are not machines, although strangely enough, electrical impulses are sent around our brains.

People get in touch through emotions and feelings. Each of us, as Carl Jung would say, reacts and transforms when we come in contact with people we find stimulating. Therefore, human conditions are the result of a fascinating mechanism of chemical and electrical reactions that helps to create bonds.

You must have contact with someone to be able to share space, interests or goals. There is an innate need to socialize. To find a reference figure that offers friendship, love and unconditional support. Abraham Maslow placed the need for connection in the third level of the pyramid of needs, and thus also reflected on its significance for trend scene and self-realization.

What can we do to get better contact?

The key to better contact with people

Sometimes, you may start a conversation in an attempt to make the other person like you. Or with an expectation of creating a positive connection that allows you to form a bond of trust. This may be the case, for example, when you are attracted to someone. However, it is also very common when people try to find new friends, make new customers or to get along with colleagues and co-workers.

Most of us would do a lot to be able to handle such situations effectively in order to have better contact with people. Sometimes a strong connection arises spontaneously and naturally. But this subtle magic does not always appear on its own.

Sometimes you have to make an extra effort to break the ice. Or join a conversation with the right social skills to ignite the spark that leads to connections and better contact. Let’s look at some of the different strategies that can help you establish meaningful relationships and bonds with other people.

Inner peace and openness

Your brain has an innate need for social contact with the people around you. Studies like the one conducted by Dr. Michael Lieberman at the University of New York revealed that the pain that occurs in the brain when you feel lonely can be more intense than the pain that arises from an injury or a wound.

As a human being, you must interact with and relate to your surroundings. This is necessary to form meaningful bonds, but how do you do that? The first step will be to understand a relatively simple concept: Sometimes you will focus your attention on being sympathetic or giving a good impression and forgetting your inner emotional state.

If you are nervous or anxious, that mood will be felt by those you talk to. Ideally, you should begin interactions from a place of calm and confidence. Only when you are confident in yourself will you be able to open up to others, give your best and have better contact with the people around you.

Getting better contact with people requires inner peace, as well as self-confidence.

Genuine interest and authenticity

Another strategy to get better contact with people is to be able to show genuine interest in them. While you may think this is the easy part, it’s actually not as simple as it may sound. Some people tend to force connections and may appear suspiciously interested. This is something that can be perceived as falsehood. In the worst case, it can scare away the people they are trying to contact.

Try to be your most authentic, honest, humble and empathetic self. A real person smiles, engages casually in a conversation and respects the personal space of others. At the same time, they listen carefully and are interested in what they hear in order to give good answers. Remember that human relationships only work, and last, if they are based on honesty.

To have better contact with the people around you, you should be yourself.

Trust and reliability for better contact

In order to have better contact with people, it is important to establish a sense of reliability and trust. One way to do this is to use a technique well known to lecturers and speakers: Share a secret with the other person. There is no need to share your most intimate secrets; it’s more about sharing something from your life. To trust the other person who will arouse empathy in them.

Some examples of this type of strategy might be saying things like, “I want to tell you a secret, but I’m so nervous.” Something strange happened to me the other day ” or ” You will not believe it, but when I was little I used to “.

Remember, however, that there are no infallible tricks or techniques that guarantee better contact and good connections with others. It is about using several strategies to get closer and create a feeling of well-being. In this way, it is more likely that the dialogue will continue in a positive direction.

The most important thing is that you address people from a place of self-confidence and well-being. Enjoy the social interaction for what it is. It will be easier than you think!

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