Do What Others Say You Can Not
There is nothing like proving to others that they are wrong. When you do what others say you cannot, this is not only a personal triumph, it is also an act of justice against people who are old-fashioned, who will never look at you sincerely, respectfully or properly.
Everyone knows that our society is obsessed with comparison, especially when it comes to the field of education, which marks us at an early age. At the back of the classroom are the supposed “bad students” who the teachers secretly predict will never achieve anything. Because children who get 2s are simply not able to achieve anything.
Education has become an experience that is often traumatic. We have good teachers, but the system and methods do not accept them. The focus on standardization is insensitive to the student’s needs and results in a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you failed when you went to high school, you will fail in life.
But there is another problem that can affect a person’s education: their family. Growing up in an unfavorable, discriminatory or gender-discriminating environment can poison you with a defeatist attitude that can be very difficult to defend yourself against.
When achieving something means breaking away from everything
Sometimes the process of achieving something effectively involves breaking away from everything. Structural rebellion requires an internal revolution that not everyone is capable of. It is necessary to break down the educational models, ingrained family values and limiting thought patterns that once led you to unhappiness.
As we said before, it is not quite simple, especially for women. We can not forget, in this time of progress, that many women are seeing their ambitions shot down by the patriarchal mechanisms that continue to prevail in many families.
The interesting book Resilience and Triumph: Immigrant Women Tell Their Stories discusses the difficult process that many Indian, Arab and Mexican immigrant women go through to move to other countries. These women are an example of a daily struggle against adversity. On the one hand, they must fight to pave the way for their families in a new society. However, it is another quiet, dark and delicate battle that people do not usually talk about.
We refer to the challenges they go through in their private lives. Patriarchy continues to define space for women with its parents, partners and families. To g jenopprette their place as women and encourage new generations to do the same, is a good example of resilience. But these are difficult things that no one talks about.
These women are anonymous names and faces who show their strength, their courage and their eagerness to move forward, to achieve equality.
The admirable mentality of people who achieve their goals
Success has nothing to do with having a lot of money in the bank, or a big house, or a sports car or other material things. The greatest triumph in life is to have the freedom to be yourself and feel proud of what you have achieved. It’s not about always winning, it’s about never giving up your goal of reaching the stars, achieving your dreams and finding the personal balance that allows you to say “I’m fine, I do not want anything else.”
The most difficult obstacle to victory is the thought patterns we have been taught since we were young. Schools that notice and differentiate create students who follow the self-fulfilling prophecy that they are worthless. These students learn to believe that they do not deserve to achieve their dreams. In the same way, families who cut their children’s wings and poison them with antique and restrictive ideas prevent them from following their hearts.
It is absolutely necessary to cut the ribbons with people holding you back as soon as possible, to just tear off the patch. It does not matter how much it hurts, and it does not matter what the consequences may be, as long as you gain authority, confidence and freedom when you do.
Success does not depend on being more intelligent, competent or outgoing. To achieve your desires, you must have a mentality of growth. Do not tell yourself that you can not do it. People who are able to focus their emotional and psychological mechanisms on growth see adversity as an opportunity to develop new skills.
Believe it or not, there is always hope. Nothing is written in stone. Do not let small minds and oppressive systems take away your dreams or your dignity. Do not let yourself give up. Success is nothing but an attitude towards life.