Dharma, A Path To Truth And A Meaningful Life

Those who act justly, those who obey, understand and practice dharma, receive the benefits of the cosmic order. It gives them happiness, mysterious ecstasy, which gives them a sense of well-being and a meaningful life.
Dharma, a path to truth and a meaningful life

Few words have such a broad and complex semantic field as the word dharma. However, all the meanings come together to lead you in the direction of truthful and pure things towards a meaningful life. These things that somehow force you to always do the right thing according to the law of nature and destiny.

It is a long time since the world began to experience a new awakening in the spiritual realm. However, it appears in different shades due to the new age ambiguity that twists on a few concepts. In the effort to apply the entire philosophical world of dharma, some ideas were lost along the way.

An example of this is to think that dharma is the positive version of karma, as if both concepts were opposites. Another misconception is the assumption that dharma refers to a religious proclamation one must follow to elevate spirituality to another level.

But there is none of this. Dharma describes the natural and innate behavior of things, and each of the aspects that are part of the universe, including yourself.

Dhama gives a meaningful life.

What is dharma?

Dharma is when you do what you want and you are happy because of it, when you do a task passionately without expecting anything in return, when you are not aware of time, when what you do affects others in a positive way.

You could say that such a basic definition repeats the concept of flow , adopted by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in the 90s. In the same way, both concepts share the same idea: to build a meaningful life.

An element that pursues this goal above all else, leads you to apply the principles of a peaceful life that you should work towards every day. These principles are:

  • Artha to find your goal in life, things you are passionate about and things that motivate you.
  • Dharma ⇔ to live a moral life, know what is right and wrong.
  • Kama ⇔ experience joy with what you do every day.
  • Moksha ⇔ achieve freedom.

When the British colonized India and tried to understand the country’s traditions, they had trouble understanding what dharma was. The biggest mistake was believing that it was a religion. They ignored the fact that religion can only apply to humans, while dharma identifies the truth, what already is and what exists.

It is the essence of every plant, the purpose of every star, every light, every electron, every grain of sand on a beach… We all have an inner truth, a path in life, our own nature.


A meaningful life, existence and purpose

In dharma traditions, a person does not act properly, who harms others or tries to appear as something they are not what is called a-dharma. It is a state without peace, a rebellion against nature, a violation of the laws of fate.

This is what Rigveda (or Ṛgveda) reveals. This is the oldest Indian text written in Sanskrit. It collects a number of hymns in which the definition of dharma is better explained.

On the other hand, those who act justly, those who obey, understand and practice dharma benefit from the cosmic order. It gives them happiness and mysterious ecstasy that gives them a sense of well-being and fulfillment.

In these ancient scriptures, the Buddha reveals his teachings with the goal of helping the reader achieve an inner balance that helps dharma transcend.

Connecting to it and accepting it as your lifestyle will free your mind to reach enlightenment: the truth that lies within you.

Wheels with wood.

The Wheel of Dharma, or Dharmachakra , is arguably the oldest symbol used by Eastern philosophies, such as Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism. The movements go in step with your personal relationships, needs and karmic qualities.

Learning to listen to Dharma’s voice is not necessarily easy for many people. Always remember that finding your truth and knowing your true purpose in life can take the rest of your life.

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