Depression In A Relationship: An Unhealthy Type Of Love
Depression in a relationship occurs when one or both partners have been diagnosed with depression. Alternatively, they only suffer from some of the related symptoms. Under these circumstances, both the relationship itself, as well as the emotions, acquire their specific characteristics. Therefore, the couple tends to live out the relationship in a rather unusual way.
Although this may seem like a tough question, it needs to be asked. Can this feeling that emerged in the midst of depression really be called love? Not as often. And if it can be called love, it is never a good kind of love. To love and be loved always requires a certain balance.
However, just because the relationship between depressed people may not be capitalized love does not mean that they are less intense. In fact, the opposite is generally true, which means that these couples usually experience really strong emotions. Furthermore, the depressed person usually feels that their own mood problems have been solved. However, they will simply face more problems around the corner.
Depression and love
In a depression, you experience inner loneliness, as well as a feeling that you are missing something. Whatever this means from a psychic and symbolic standpoint, love is missing. Among other things , you lack love for yourself, everyone around you, life and work.
As we move away from the symbolic to the strictly physical, it is clear that love transforms the chemistry of the brain. When someone falls in love, a physiological connection actually occurs, and neurotransmitters are sent out. Therefore, we feel an increased sense of well-being.
If you tie these two elements together, you will come to a rather problematic conclusion. From a chemical perspective, love is a kind of “drug” that treats depression. In addition, from a symbolic point of view, it satisfies the question of the lack of love. Therefore, you come to a rather dubious conclusion: that the answer to everything is love.
Depression in a relationship
Depression in a relationship tends to occur when an emotionally deficient or chemically unbalanced individual finds someone who totally transforms them. In the first phase of the relationship, falling in love triggers the much-needed cocktail of neurotransmitters in the brain. Thus, the individual feels emotionally fulfilled.
What happens in a relationship affects both partners. In these special cases, however, the depressed person may use the relationship to feel better. By adopting this somewhat selfish attitude, they do not really express true love. In addition, they are likely to find that the next step in the relationship is not as harmonious as the first phase was.
Therefore, sooner or later, the partner ceases to be a source of comfort and support. Furthermore, they are not just a lifeless object or a drug, but a person. Therefore, they begin to crack under load. Then problems arise in the relationship. The depressed may at first demand, and later beg, their partner to return to the way they were before. They want them to return to being the person who helped them deal with the unpleasant feelings.
Depression in a relationship: Lack of love
Love is the missing ingredient in a relationship between depressed people. It is not just being loved, but being able to love in return that is missing. Being able to let go of the other person who can also let go of you. However, it is impossible to reach this point if the person never loved himself in the first place.
The depressed person needs to clean up before trying to share their life with anyone else. The biggest risk in these scenarios is that the depressed person imagines that someone will save them. In fact, they tend to see their partner as the Savior who will eventually save them.
What makes this situation risky is that the whole scenario is based on a lie that is revealed at some point. It will far from help, it will cause more pain. In fact, the depressed person may view it as a complete disaster. In fact, it may be all they need to convince themselves that life consists of nothing but darkness. Furthermore , they believe that this darkness controls everything in their lives.
Long-term relationships between depressed people do not work. If both parties are depressed, one of them may end up as a “savior”. However, at some point, the relationship will collapse.
You do not have to be perfect to experience true love. However, a relationship needs care and should never arise from a position of need and deprivation.