Decorating Moments, A Skill Within Everyone’s Reach

Decorating moments, a skill within everyone's reach

Life is a wonderful collection of cases. Making them beautiful and pleasant, decorating moments, is something that truly unites us with nature. For most of our lives, we run on our schedules and activities that most of the time are quite stressful. This can end up provoking general discomfort, serious dissatisfaction, work stress and anxiety. It ends up setting a state of mind that no one would ever choose voluntarily.

Everyone can go through moments of stress. Everyone can feel exhausted, overwhelmed, and ultimately sad. Situations that should be rare aspects of our lives are becoming more common and frequent. Somehow this stress drags us down until it catches us. Finally, we will wake up and say,  “How would it feel to enjoy life again? How can I decorate my life? ” These are the moments we used to enjoy so naturally and which we at one point forgot the recipe for…

What does it mean to embellish moments?

Decorating moments is a skill of emotional regulation developed through different approaches. These include Positive Psychology or Dialectical Behavioral Therapy for Personality Disorder used by psychologist Marsha M. Linehan.

Girl with stars on her back

We say that this is a skill of emotional regulation because it includes all the behaviors and thoughts that are oriented to increase well-being and reduce negative emotions, such as anger, anxiety or frustration. Making the moment more beautiful is a very useful skill to meet today’s duties and situations with a positive approach.

To decorate your daily commitments

1. Live in the present

First, making the moment more beautiful is a skill that requires a minimum of capacity to isolate oneself from the past and the future. In this sense, mindfulness, or mindful presence, can help. It is about being able to stop, observe and accept how you live in the moment when you perform your daily tasks. 

Being able to live in the present is the first step towards restoring the lost recipe we mentioned before. In the “delicate” moments, try to get to know your feelings, your environment and the emotions produced by the movements you make to a deep degree. Also get to know the emotions that arise due to the stimuli that affect you, such as the water in your morning shower.

2. Changes… who said something about being afraid?

The influence the environment has on your behavior and your emotions has been extensively studied by the environmental psychology group. To take advantage of this influence, you should first ask about how your environment is set up. What constitutes the environment in which you perform your daily tasks and chores? Various studies explain how  organized surroundings, with natural lighting and familiar objects that remind us of good times, increase our well-being and improve our performance.

Introducing images to your visual field, or putting them within reach, will help you embellish moments. Especially if these pictures remind you of your goals or achievements. They will increase your sense of well-being. You can also strategically place sentences and quotes that motivate you within your personal space. Or sentences that remind you why you chose the path you are on. Thus, you improve your motivation and increase your effort and endurance.

On the other hand, you should  remove objects or images that lead you to negative thoughts or feelings from your environment. If you notice the presence of objects that do not convey good feelings or give you bad memories, place them so that you do not see them. This will also improve your well-being.

You must remember that performing routine and tedious tasks is easier if you perform them in an inviting environment. An environment that transmits calm and that makes you feel  “at home”.

Woman blowing stars

Get the best instruments to work and study

Being selective with the materials or instruments you use can be a very positive aspect of your life. This is a small display of love for yourself. If you have to study, it is best to use notes that are pleasing to the eye, colorful and have clear and sharp images. Obtain the best materials to use at work or in your studies. This will help your performance and motivation. Some people think that investing time in these aspects is a waste of time. In fact, it could not have been further from the truth.

On the other hand, if your studies are behind you, and you are currently part of the workforce, you need to make sure you have the best work materials, the ones you prefer the most. Make sure you have all the necessary elements to develop your tasks effectively. Having materials you like and that make your job easier will help you focus positively on work tasks.

For example, if you use an agenda, a folder, and a computer, those who are aesthetically pleasing will make your job more enjoyable. You will want to use them just by looking at them! You can change your wallpaper to something that will inspire you. Something that will evoke positive emotions. If you can listen to music at work, do not hesitate to do so! Music improves your performance, your mood, and increases your creativity.

4. Take care of all the details of your usual habits

Meals tend to create moments of integration that are usually very enjoyable. Therefore, these are wonderful opportunities to embellish moments. To increase your overall well-being, it can be very helpful to take care of the details that apply to your meals. Making the food seem attractive to you, setting the table nicely, placing flowers or candles, etc., even if all this is just for you, will make you enjoy every moment to the fullest.


All these little details are perceived by your mind and will gradually begin to fill you with positive emotions and motivation. In this sense, the ornate moment will allow you to take advantage of your routine. It is also true that taking care of every detail requires effort. But it is an effort that is worth it, because it has a positive impact that directly affects you and the people you love.

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