Cocaine: Types And Effects

Cocaine is a powerful stimulant. It is extremely addictive and is used almost exclusively for recreational purposes. It is extracted from the coca leaf and became popular as a drug in the 1980s. In its natural form, the coca leaf has been used for thousands of years by the natives of South America.

The pure chemical form is cocaine hydrochlorine, a subtance that has been produced in laboratories for more than 100 years. At the beginning of the 20th century, cocaine hydrochloride was the main ingredient in many elixirs and tinctures used for medicinal purposes. Even today, it is used as a local anesthetic during neck, ear and eye surgeries.

Cocaine was also a component of several soft drinks. The most famous of these is Coca Cola. The original recipe contained up to 8 milligrams of cocaine per liter.

However, the drug became unpopular due to its serious side effects, and Coke removed it as an ingredient in 1903. In 1914, cocaine became an illegal drug.

Nowadays, it is difficult to find cocaine in its chemically pure form. Instead, it is often mixed with starches, talc, sugar or other elements. On the streets, the substance is referred to as “wind”, “flake”, “coca” or “snow”.

Cocaine hydrochloride

That said, cocaine hydrochloride is the pure chemical form of cocaine. Although the level of purity varies depending on the manipulation,  the purest type of cocaine will achieve 98% purity. On the black market, this is called “Yen”. It is the most expensive variety, which is whiter and clearer than the others.

Cocaine molecule

The hydrochloride comes in the form of a powder. It is estimated that the cocaine powder sold on the streets is between 5 and 40% pure. Sometimes it is mixed with very dangerous substances such as amphetamines or various anesthetics.

Cocaine powder is usually inhaled or “sniffed.” But many users inject it.

There are different varieties of “white cocaine” from medium to low purity. The most popular varieties are called “chalk”. This is because it has a gray-white color and is a bit “dull”. This variant is very euphoric.

Then there is another category called “yellowish cocaine.” Its most noticeable characteristic is a strong odor of gasoline or kerosene. It is the strongest of all.

Other types of cocaine

Cocaine is also found in “basic form.” This is what is popularly called “crack”. Consumption of crack went up as authorities began imposing stricter restrictions on the chemicals needed to make cocaine hydrochloride.

This led to the price of cocaine rising and reaching a level that many users could not afford. In response, the basic form was commercialized because it is 15 times cheaper.

Crack is a mixture of cocaine hydrochloride and other chemicals such as ammonia, ether or baking soda. It is usually smoked in a pipe and has a much stronger effect compared to refined cocaine.

Also, it is potentially much more addictive and increases the risk of dying. It is called crack because of the sound it makes when it is crushed.

Another product made from this substance is cocaine paste, which is also called “cocaine sulphate”. In this product up to 50% of the substance consists of a sulphate.

During production, toxic chemicals such as methanol and sulfuric acid are used. Users usually mix it with marijuana or tobacco and smoke it.

Both crack and cocaine sulfate produce an effect called a “flash.” That is, it has a fast, very powerful effect. This is why addicts need to consume many doses in a row, to prolong the effect. Both have a high risk of  overdose.

Short-term effects of cocaine

The effects of cocaine occur almost immediately after ingestion. Sometimes these effects last only a few minutes, other times they can last for an hour. The substance leads to feelings of euphoria and vitality. The user feels mentally alert and feels this in their sensory experiences, especially sight, hearing and touch.

Using cocaine regularly lowers the need to eat and sleep. Many people use cocaine so they can work faster. On the other hand, many people feel that cocaine slows them down.

Confused person

The duration and intensity of the effect varies with the type of cocaine and how it was ingested. The faster the substance is absorbed into the body, the more intense but short-lived the effect. Sometimes users will experience restlessness, anxiety or irritability. Spasms, paranoia and vertigo are also common.

From a physiological perspective, cocaine disrupts the heart rhythm and leads to headaches, abdominal pain and vomiting.

In case of overdose, the user may experience seizures, strokes or they may fall into a coma. Immediate death is rare, but the drug can lead to cardiac arrest. This can lead to death.

Long lasting effects

The main long-term effect of cocaine is severe addiction. As the potential for addiction is great, it is impossible for a person to predict the extent to which they will need the drug after first use.

There is also a high risk of relapse when a user has stopped using it. This can even happen after many years without use.

The brain adapts to the use of cocaine. This means that the person feels less and less satisfaction over time. Because of this, the addict must constantly increase the dose to achieve the same euphoric feeling.

Over time, the pleasant feelings caused by the drug will be replaced by anxiety, paranoia and explosive rage.

In the most severe cases, prolonged use of the drug can cause the user to lose touch with reality for extended periods of time. Hallucinations occur, first in the form of sounds, and then paranoid psychoses occur.

Cocaine splits and destroys the personality. It makes the user’s life revolve around the substance.

MRI scans show that the brain of a person who is addicted to cocaine has fewer dopamine receptors. As a result, the person can no longer feel happy experiences in a normal way.

The future of an addict

It is very difficult to predict the fate of a person who is addicted to cocaine. This is because it depends on many factors and something is about coincidences.

As long as consumption is maintained, the risk of death increases steadily. The same goes for the damage to the personality and relationships of others.

Addiction to this type of substance usually leads to criminal or illegal acts to obtain the drug.

Various drugs are currently being tested, but none of them have passed all the tests.

Conversation therapy

Support groups are always a good choice. They are usually accompanied by individual therapy. This, in addition to a healthy diet, an established exercise plan and a support network, seems to have good results in most cases.

But getting out of addiction is not easy. Therefore, it is always best to prevent. Cocaine is not a drug to try out of curiosity or to experience something new.

A single dose has the potential to trigger something that, in the long run, can end in a serious tragedy.

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