Are You Wearing A Mask? Discover Four Tips To Take It Off

Are you wearing a mask? Do you limit yourself when it comes to expressing your thoughts? Do you hide your true self and pretend to be someone you are not?
Do you wear a mask?  Discover four tips to take it off

Are you wearing a mask? Do you limit yourself when it comes to expressing your thoughts? Do you hide your true self and pretend to be someone you are not? Do you avoid expressing your feelings when talking to people? In that case, you do not live your life to the fullest. It is better to share your feelings with the people around you. If you want to feel free, you should read this article. We explain four steps that can help you take off your mask. Remember that this is not something you can do from one day to the next. However, we are sure you will succeed in the end!

First and foremost, you need to understand that wearing a mask is a defense mechanism, a way to protect yourself. Taking it on only feeds your feelings of guilt and insecurity. In fact, it is very common for people to build “protective” barriers. Maybe you have a mask so no one can hurt you. You think that this mask will protect you from unpleasant feelings such as fear or sadness.

That feeling of protection is what can keep you from not taking it off. Your mask can make you feel like you are in control, as if you can take it off and put it back on whenever you want and need it. But sooner or later you will realize that you have become accustomed to it, and it is no longer an easy task to show yourself who you are. You have become so used to feeling protected that you do not even know how to show your true self to others anymore. That’s when you start to feel trapped in this mask instead of being protected by it.

Do you wear a mask?

1. Prepare to stop wearing a mask

Realizing the fact that you are wearing a mask is the first step to being able to take it off. You can not even remember when you started using it. Maybe you have not realized that you are trying to protect yourself, or maybe you have it for another reason. Fortunately, there are great ways to prevent your mask from ruining you. First, you need to learn how to take care of yourself.

Here is an important fact: you must want to take off your mask. To do this, you need to negotiate with your internal conflicts as positively as possible. Do not hesitate to be in harmony with what you need.

2. Be patient, brave and have company

Patience is a valuable quality  because it helps keep you motivated. In that sense, it also gives you the space you need for the transformation to take place. And we are talking about the deep transformation that focuses on the root of the problem and produces lasting changes.

Resolving internal conflicts requires a lot of motivation. In addition, another powerful and important quality that allows you to face the situation, is courage. Finally, you should not forget that having the company of someone you love when you go through this (such as friends, siblings or a psychologist ) will help you stay strong to continue going forward until you finally manage to take off the mask. your.

3. Know and accept yourself

In order to accept yourself, you must know yourself. Getting to know yourself means knowing what you want and what you want to achieve, among other things.

We encourage you to spend some time alone. There is nothing wrong with being alone and spending time with your own thoughts. Do not get too distracted and focus on your main goal: to discover who you are as a person. This can help you get in tune with your emotions. Allow yourself to feel your emotions instead of suppressing them.

Some people do not like to spend time alone because they are afraid to face their own feelings. However, this is absolutely necessary for self-acceptance. Once you know how you feel, who you are and what you like, you can begin to accept yourself instead of judging yourself. Accepting yourself does not mean being ashamed of who you are. Wearing a mask once you have accepted who you are is useless because there is no point in hiding now that you are not ashamed of who you are.


4. Love yourself as well as others

Once you have advanced in the self-awareness and self-acceptance processes, self-love comes naturally. Forget who you used to be. Love yourself now and encourage yourself to become even better in the future. It is only necessary to use a mask when you do not accept your qualities and mistakes.

This step consists of loving every single part of your being. If you want to change something, consider it a growing opportunity. This will help increase your self-love.

There is no way you can truly love someone else if you do not love yourself. Loving ourselves is about knowing our worth and not being afraid that people will leave us.

We hope you feel strong enough to follow these four steps. It’s time to take the bull by the horns and be yourself! If you are already aware of the fact that you are addicted to wearing a mask, it is even better. Do not waste any more time trying to be someone you are not or hold back. The world needs sincerity, acceptance and self-love.

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