An Open Letter To The World

An open letter to the world

When I was young, it was a phrase I kept repeating, and that became part of me as if it were written in stone. “Those who work hard will always get what they deserve”. But this world has shown me that those who fight hard can face the wall, and that the bang can break their legs.

As a child ,  you constantly dream of being older, of growing up so that your voice would be heard and you could do great things. Because you thought you could make a difference. At the time, it was not an expression of narcissism, but a strong belief that comes from an innocence that only children can understand.

It’s easy to be happy when everything is going well. When peace and harmony surround you, a peace that can only be seen through the eyes of a naive child in a world full of people who pretend to live a life the way you can see it on film. When it is considered bad to complain and be human. When the tyranny of happiness has drowned their lives.

But you grow up

But you grow up and nothing is as it once was. What you used to believe has become an absurd thought in an unjust world. An irrational idea that dominated your life and has now become a rope that tightens around your chest and does not allow you to breathe.

You grow up and no longer know who you are, because the possibilities have become impossible. Because what you dreamed of as a child seems so far away and no longer within your reach. You grow up and see that effort involves suffering that is often not rewarded.

Woman with stars in a bucket

You grow up and get hurt. You admonish yourself for things that you do not understand, but that hurt the deepest part of your soul. For sometimes the words we say to ourselves are silent cries that link us to the guilt we feel over lost innocence.

You grow up and discover that magic does not exist, that reason tries to dominate a world where the irrational gives birth to the ego of those who have received the toxic gift of an easy life. Those who have never had to make an effort for anything.

You feel like a disappointment to yourself and to your loved ones. You feel that you were naive before and that you have now given up and let yourself be dragged along by the rope that bound you to a world that seemed so perfect to you when you were a child.

 But you decide not to stop dreaming

But you decide not to stop dreaming. You decide not to look for guilt in the past and to accept your own responsibility for the future. You decide that when you feel blinded by the light of injustice, you will probably not find the path that can lead you to shelter while you search for your place in the world.

Woman by the sea with wings

You decide to rise like a bird phoenix, resurrecting from the ashes. Fly with your head raised high above the sea of ​​indecision that you drowned in when you lost your innocence, when you stopped being a child who read stories and became the protagonist of your own story.

You decide to take over the helm of your ship even if you are sailing upstream. Even if the waves created by other people spray you with reproaches that reflect their own frustrations. Because you have learned that you are invincible if you really fight for what you want.

And even if the clock is still ticking out there, ticking towards you because you have not yet found your place in the world, you know that everything that is worth something in this life is hard to find, and even harder to achieve.

And now to how we can answer the important question: Is life any shit? Yes, but you have already discovered it, and now you have an advantage. The benefit to those who fight, dream and persevere. Those who do not give up and who take uncertain steps forward with passion, who continue forward even though they are afraid. Because, well, that’s life.

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