Why Do People Get Impatient With Time?

People become more impatient after going through difficult times. Read on to learn more!
Why do people become more impatient with time?

People get more impatient with each passing day. Does the world seem to be going too slowly? Does it lead you to despair? Nothing happens while you plan, you rarely achieve your goals, and worst of all, you feel trapped in a whirlpool where everything is about negativity and frustrated expectations.

Is this you? In that case, you are not alone. Many people are currently experiencing this psychic reality. They complain of jaw pain from holding back tension, feel an emptiness in the stomach, and they are more nervous and ponder more than usual. According to Kafka, impatience is the fruit of all human error. Sometimes, however, this reality is triggered by situations that are as complex as they are special.

People often consider themselves patient and relaxed. However, due to certain circumstances, this approach is changing. This is when unrest and discomfort arise and perseverance, hope and even optimism disappear. Why is this happening? Is there an explanation for that?

A thinking man.

Reasons why people become more impatient with each passing day

Defining impatience is quite simple: it characterizes a person who can not wait for something without getting nervous. It also characterizes a person who lacks the ability to perform tasks without losing his temper. Now more or less everyone knows how it feels and what happens when this dimension takes over. What is not so clear is why.

Why do people become impatient? Why is it harder to endure and wait, to accept the habits of others, or to accept that things do not always happen the way you want them to? It is true that some people are just impatient and that they have always manifested this behavior. But even the most patient person may find that they lack this dimension.

Let’s analyze why.

People become more impatient: stress and an overactive amygdala

There are cases where external demands outweigh the mental resources you have available. Work or lack thereof, family, the weight of insecurity and frustrated goals can throw you into a state of high stress. The cerebral amygdala, the region associated with emotional processing, begins to be more hyperactive than normal under these circumstances.

This translates into a sense of constant threat and we begin to filter out all events, circumstances and stimuli with distrust. We can even say that it is due to fear. All this disturbs your mental focus with anguish and restlessness. It becomes a urge for urgency instead of a relaxed vision.

Depression and lower serotonin levels

Why do you become more impatient every day? What makes you feel more irritable? Why do you find it difficult to complete things or even continue with them? Often, this mental condition can be a precursor to depression. In fact, a research report published in the journal Current Biology reveals something interesting in this regard.

Dr. Zachary Mainen and his team at the Fundação Anna de Sommer Champalimaud e Dr. Carlos Montez Champalimaud in Lisbon, Portugal discovered a link between low activation of serotonin neurons and a lack of patience. As you know, these nerve cells and their neurotransmitters are related to well-being, motivation, achievement and happiness.

Thus, a low level of this neurochemical component is mainly associated with depressive disorders. Therefore, you need to consult a professional if you gradually experience a lack of patience. Also if you feel a kind of apathy that eats you up and you experience sleep or eating disorders.

A frustrated woman.

People become more impatient: Frustrated hopes

It is an undeniable fact that most people have experienced that they need to be more patient than ever these days. This is because reaching a goal requires much more perseverance now than it did before. Reaching your goals takes more time than it did a few years ago. Emotional relationships and social life are also generally more challenging.

Thus, this sight often permeates you with bitter frustration. When a person carries more than one defeat, has missed more than one goal and has a lost dream, they will probably wonder, “Why do I have less patience every day?” The accumulation of frustrating experiences ends up damaging calm, tolerance and inner balance that gives you moderation and reflection.

Reversing the process, that is, going from impatience to patience, is not easy. However, it is not impossible. The good news is that you can practice the art of patience. You can not move time forward and make things happen faster. Nor is it possible to manipulate reality, events or people to make it all your vision.


Assume that you have almost no control over anything and that the world is fallible, everyone in it including yourself. Learning to be more patient involves nurturing hope, even if things are sometimes not the way you want or expect them to be. This does not mean that they will not be in future circumstances.

Patience is not always a virtue. Sometimes it’s just an approach, and people are forced to practice it, take care of it, and promote it.

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