How To Make A Decision That Will Change Your Life

How to make a decision that will change your life

Do you find it difficult to make a decision?

Most of the time we are aware of when something important in our lives needs to change. Sometimes we even know what kind of change we need, like ending a relationship, leaving a job or moving.

However, we can not find the way to go from intention to action. Our thoughts become hazy and we postpone the decision indefinitely.

An important decision mainly consists of two elements. First, you must have identified that it really is a serious problem.

Secondly, you know that it is necessary to change the situation in order to overcome the problem. You understand that it is no longer time for plasters. Instead, it is time to take concrete and often radical measures.

Most of us have come to this point. Afterwards we are distracted by other things or let time pass “to see what happens”. We do not end up making the big decision we know should be made.

Maybe what we need is a method to go from thinking to action or just accepting that we do not want to turn this situation radically around.

Now we are going to talk about some suggestions that can help you in the difficult process of making a big decision. It is not a “step by step” you have to follow to the letter. Rather, they are guidelines, stages to go through before making a final decision.

Get rid of the idea that the decision will create too many problems

We want to make a perfect decision. A decision that solves everything at once. One that has no “disadvantages”. In other words, a “strike”, as in bowling when you knock down all the cones at once. To our disappointment, such decisions do not exist.

a woman riding in luxury on a giant turtle

Every decision requires giving up something. You do not make a decision because it solves everything, but because it leads to a situation that significantly improves an aspect of life that is important to us. The decision solves a problem that is crucial, but leaves other elements that we still have to address intact.

A big decision also involves some level of dissatisfaction, pain or lack. That’s why we need courage to take it.

Think about how, if we make the decision, it’s because our problem is so negative in our lives that it’s worth sacrificing for.

Identify risks and hazards involved in the decision

Every big decision also involves risk and sometimes danger. Before we take the next step, we must try to see where the possible pitfalls are. This will not only make us stronger going forward. It will also give us more determination and awareness of what we are deciding on.

a zipper train: make a big decision

Here’s an old trick: make a list. Take a sheet and write down all the risks involved in your decision. Be specific. Try to be very precise.

Identify each risk and how it may affect you. Do not leave anything out, even if you think it is a small, trivial risk (it is better to be aware of it). When we have to make a big decision, nothing is irrelevant.

Try to do the same with the dangers. The difference between risk and danger is that the risk may be small, while the dangers compromise your health or life. It sounds extreme, but for example, being in serious debt when you think about changing jobs is a danger.

Then look at the factors on your list and what role your emotional dependence may play.

When you have to make a decision, examine your feelings and make an action plan

Before making a decision that is important, it is normal to have a lot of doubts and fears about it. The problem is that these fears sometimes distort your perspective.

Something tells you it’s time for a change, but another ‘inner voice’ also tells you to stop. You must resolve this issue in order to proceed.

a girl holding on to a giant balloon over the mountains

It is important to get your feelings clear. Does your desire to grow and improve push you to make the decision? Or is it a whim? A burning passion? Have you clarified your decision methodically or are you afraid? If you can answer these questions, you have already done half the work.

Once you have your feelings relatively clear, and you are aware of the risks involved in the decision, and what you want to lose and gain with it, you will be ready to act.

Do not postpone it. Set a date to do what you need to do. Do it so and do not look back: it is done.

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