5 Of Leonardo Da Vinci’s Quotes – A Universal Genius

What stands out most in these quotes by Leonardo da Vinci is his belief in human willpower. In their day, many people believed that the world existed and moved due to supernatural forces. Leonardo, however, celebrated the power of man.
5 of Leonardo da Vinci's Quotes - A Universal Genius

Leonardo da Vinci’s quotes only show us a small part of who this great man was. Today we consider him one of the greatest geniuses of all time. He was overwhelmingly intelligent, and he used his intellect in almost every area of ​​human knowledge. Few celebrities have been so versatile.

Da Vinci was an inventor, a scientist and a solid manist. His curiosity was unlimited. He also had an unbreakable spirit. His desire for knowledge was greater than his desire for a comfortable life, and he refused to stop his search for knowledge.

Leonardo da Vinci’s quotes reveal a thinker who reflected on the meaning of life, values and the world. He was dynamic, swinging, daring and had a good sense of humor. These are some of his most famous quotes.

There are three types of people

This is one of those da Vinci quotes that questions humanity. Obviously, in this case, he is not referring to “seeing” as a physical act, but as a metaphor for understanding reality. Da Vinci refers to the idea of ​​being aware of what is around you and what is in the world.

Those who “see” are those who are able to visualize reality in the broadest sense. Those who only see what they are shown are conditioned to look through others. Finally, those who do not see simply refuse to understand what the world is telling them.

A woman holding the moon

2. Smile and laugh

Leonardo da Vinci was an incorrigible joker. He loved to make others laugh and also loved to laugh at the expense of others. In fact, there is a hypothesis that the famous shroud in Turin is nothing more than a plaster that da Vinci still plays humanity.

Whatever the case, this is a da Vinci quote that expresses his playful spirit. With that, he defends laughter as an ingredient and a consequence of a good life. To laugh, you have to be smart, open and simple. Da Vinci himself had all these qualities.

A Leonardi da Vinci drawing

3. Theory and practice

There is no better authority on this subject than da Vinci. In fact, his passion for knowledge came from his awareness of his ignorance. This allowed him to extract information.

At the same time, da Vinci was a great inventor. This means that he had to use his knowledge to come up with concrete solutions. Therefore, he understood the dynamic and intimate relationship between theory and practice and between principles and their use more than anyone else.

4. One of da Vinci’s quotes about pleasure

This is one of da Vinci’s most beautiful quotes. It is perhaps also the quote that best reflects his scientific spirit and his passion for discovery and creativity. He must have spent many long hours trying to find answers to his questions. Therefore, he was well acquainted with the joy of understanding.

When we understand something, we feel deeply satisfied. This gives us a sense of freedom and levitation. Understanding means resolving the uncertainty that ignorance creates. It also gives us greater control and relieves us of the burden of not knowing. It’s actually a noble pleasure. Understanding increases the happiness of those who experience it.

5. To be a spectator or participant

A person on a lake with the moon in hand

Here, da Vinci says that passivity makes it very difficult to fulfill your desires. Being a spectator can be helpful at certain times in your life, but if you stay there, your drive and motivation may disappear.

It’s interesting that da Vinci talks about being able to make things happen. In this quote, he highlights the idea that your will can make things happen. Humans can change reality through their actions. This is also the principle of autonomy and freedom.

There are so many of da Vinci’s quotes that show us how insightful he was. Although we remember him primarily as an artist and inventor, much of his legacy and greatness stems from the philosophy of life he adopted and promoted.

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