Misunderstandings Can Create A Gap Between Lovers

Misunderstandings can create a rift between lovers

The world is full of people waiting for someone they have let go to come back, and of people who dare not come back, even if they want to. Because many times we let negative things, such as unfounded beliefs, misunderstandings and anger, outweigh real feelings.

As people tend to say, life is a long journey. In this journey we learn to take advantage of the good and leave the bad things behind. What happens is that we tend to do this late in the game. That is why we lose many valuable things along the way.

Making the mistake of focusing on the negative creates a major barrier. This can put distance between people who really appreciate each other.

Thus, since understanding the different modes of communication, and the intentions and realities of others are complicated, it is good for us to be aware of our minds. In this way, we can minimize the possibility of distancing ourselves from the people we love.

pair with rubik's cube heads

It all depends on how we relate to flowers and weeds

We can understand and think of our mind as a radio that is always turned on and tuned to the same station. Sometimes the radio can tell us some wonderful things. At other times, however, it will tell us things that have hurt us greatly.

Although we cannot change the radio station, it is in our power to stop noticing every little thing it says. With that attitude, we manage to stop taking everything that the radio (our mind) tells us so seriously. We will stop pausing our lives every time the radio (our mind) tells us something we do not like.

To go even further and explain this better, I want you to imagine that you are a gardener and that the plants in your garden are the things you want in life. What would these plants be? How do they look?

As gardeners, each of us is the only one responsible for caring for our plants, for planting new seeds, caring for them and watering them. Therefore, how do you think you care about your garden? What do you need to do? What does caring for each of your plants mean?

Yet plants do not  always grow the  way we want. Flowers can appear where we did not want them, and they can grow more slowly than we planned. They can even wither and die despite all our care and effort. The most important thing is how you dedicate yourself to them. If you do not do it, what keeps you from doing it? What stands in the way of your daily chores with them?

rose from the beauty and the beast

Sometimes unwanted weeds also tend to germinate in gardens, and we try desperately to tear them out. To understand the consequences this can have, imagine a gardener pulling out weeds as soon as he sees them. But the weeds spread again, over and over again. Then the gardener tears them out again. But despite all the effort, they always come back.

We can say that this gardener is probably wasting his time on something he does not like, while leaving the plants that really mean something without care. He has to ask himself if he is willing to take care of the plants that really matter, despite the fact that there is something in his garden that can germinate that he does not like.

When we have this in mind, we should think more about the plants that really matter. The ones we have ignored because of the weeds. Weeds that are annoying, but to which we have paid too much attention.

This reasoning can be used in all aspects of life to curb the tendency to focus on the things we dislike.  This is without a doubt  one of the main reasons for misunderstandings. These continue and keep us away from the people we love in the most sincere and genuine way.

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