What Can You Learn From Your Family Tree? It’s Interesting!

What can you learn from your family tree?  It's interesting!

The family tree was first used to store information about the origin of one’s family. Before that, it was only used to prove the purity of a family’s ancestors or the grandeur of their past.

Today, things have changed. The family tree has become a tool for self-discovery. Unfortunately, not many families have kept information about their past to share with future generations. Thus, it is sometimes not easy to get information about one’s family roots.

The family tree can be a treasure trove of information to understand who we are and why we are the way we are. The information it provides is comprehensive. This means  that we can see connections between past, present and future. We all come from a history built over centuries. We are also a step towards the future. A family tree can help us clarify all of this.

The family tree and one’s family

Family is not just another factor in a person’s life. It’s the essence of who you are, no matter what kind of bond you may have with its members. It was there before you were born, and it will remain when you pass away. We all carry its unique seal, even when it comes to abandonment or disappearance. In fact, that absence can be one of the most defining characteristics of your life.

Green figures

A family tree helps us build up our emotional memories. Emotional memories are a cluster of past experiences that affect our behavior. Much of this memory is not expressed in conscious terms. Sometimes it is only composed of impressions, opinions, attitudes… imprints that are manifested, but whose origin is unknown.

Families survive, consciously or unconsciously, their guilt, fears and taboos. Your family history is like a novel, of which you are a chapter. But  how can I understand this chapter or make sense of it if I have not read the rest? 

Important information in our family tree

A family tree sometimes reveals unexpected information. Other times it is not so spectacular, but that does not make it any less important. It’s not so much about making the family tree, but about interpreting it. To do this, pay particular attention to certain pieces of information. The following is information of particular importance:

  • The length of time between siblings. There are no formulas for this. But the space between siblings is a crucial factor for one’s psychological structure. Basically, this determines what relationship you want with money, assets and territory (physically and emotionally).
  • Double lineage. Our parents are intertwined by two major family traditions. But one is always more prevalent than the other. Why? This is really important information. Any lack of information about our grandparents is too. These empty spaces tend to hide important elements. You also want to know if anyone else in the family has your name. In that case, you are part of an unresolved narcissistic conflict.
  • Repeated elements. This includes ages where people got married or had their first children, jobs or anything else that appears more than once. Usually these repetitions show an unconscious script. By ending these repetitions, you will move on.
  • The causes of death in your family. It is important to find out how your ancestors died. If there were any accidents or suicides, this information should be investigated in detail. Deaths due to heart, respiratory or immunological problems preclude strong emotional components.
What can you learn from your family tree?

In one novel, some facts are told, but many others lie only between the lines. Some words have been said and others are uncertain. The same goes for families. A family tree is an opportunity to rewrite history. Discover and describe the traces of your ancestors. Learn more about yourself.

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