It’s So Hard To Say Goodbye

It's so hard to say goodbye

It’s so hard to put something that made you happy behind it. It’s so hard to close a chapter. It can be so painful to know that all you have to do is say goodbye forever. It can cause so much pain to part with something you want but know you should not keep.

Sometimes you just have to flip through and end a chapter. I know that all too well. You have to change jobs, lose a friend, the house is too small for so many people. It’s hard, sometimes very hard, but it’s a part of life. We close one door, say goodbye, and then open another and say hello to all the new things.

You can add chapters to your life, but you need blank pages to keep writing. The same old chapter needs an end, it must end, but it will still be there. Traces of it will continue to the next page. It will make sense when you know why you quit. It will make sense when you do.

It’s not easy to say goodbye. But it is good to know that once you have overcome the pain, you will be ready for what is to come. Sometimes the pain of losing something is healthier than the pain you experience by continuing with the extra burden on your shoulders.

Sad, black and white

The emptiness after you say goodbye

It is not easy to explain but everyone probably understands it, because we have all experienced it in one way or another. It is goodbye that leaves an emptiness that becomes so difficult to fill. Maybe you will never fill it again. It’s so hard to face the unknown, leave your comfort zone, and quit something because it’s so hard to realize you have to start something else.

It is true that there is emptiness, because the pain of loss is real pain, and covering it up will only make it stronger later. You need to learn to say goodbye, deal with that emptiness, and know when to close something. It may hurt right now, but it will stop hurting tomorrow.

You will not usually see the magic of saying goodbye right there and then. You see it in everything that comes afterwards. Believe me, a whole world of possibilities will open up for you. So much is waiting for you when you cleanse your wounds. The magic of saying goodbye is that it usually means saying hello to something else.

If you learn to deal with that emptiness, if you do not make it bigger than it needs to be, if you give it the space you need… If you allow yourself to cry when you need it, and give yourself time to heal, then you will be ready for what is to come. It’s so hard to say goodbye, but when you do, you will heal and learn to take care of yourself. To learn to say goodbye is to learn to grow.

A little girl wants to say goodbye to her red heart balloon.

You have to say goodbye to move on

You have to say goodbye to move on; you must end a chapter to start a new one. It may be time to throw yourself into something new. The world does not usually stop, and you are part of the world.

Fear, your faithful companion on life’s journey, will cause you to hold on to what you feel because you are afraid of what you do not know. But you have the strength to overcome fear.

If you look back, you see how much your life is changing. Not even you, with all the knowledge you have now, could have predicted exactly where you would be right now. You have come to where you are now because of your decisions. And among your decisions was your decision to say goodbye.

It’s time to learn how. It’s hard to imagine the new things, the hello that comes after a goodbye. It’s not easy, but it will definitely mean something good. It’s so hard to say goodbye, but remember the magic of the new.

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