9 Types Of Employees: Advantages And Disadvantages

9 types of employees: advantages and disadvantages

All companies have very different types of employees. Some employees are important for development and expansion, while some, if they were gone, would not have been missed (their absence could even be appreciated). Being able to differentiate between them can sometimes be a difficult task, especially when some people dishonestly hide that they contribute less.

On the other hand; Knowing that our work is important to the company can have a direct impact on our self-esteem. It makes us feel useful and indispensable in addition to increasing self-confidence when we are praised for a job well done. Unfortunately, not everyone shares this notion of personal self-awareness, or understands it well enough.

There are people who clearly create conflict, who want as much as possible for the least possible effort. Many of them even try to step on their own partners to get what they want. Sometimes even their superiors respect these techniques because they want unreliable people if they can create greater benefits and competition within the company.

That way , it is very difficult to find employees who are really worth it in such a competitive and nepotistic labor market. It is also very difficult to find employees who are responsible, confident and upright. Employees who do not have to resort to disgusting behavior, such as stepping on others’ contributions to get what they want.

Allowing a company to grow through employees who are uncomfortable and dislike work is unethical. It ends up giving a bad reputation and makes the employees look for other jobs that are more accessible and appropriate for their abilities.

In order for you to be able to distinguish between the employees who are worth it and those you should take care of, we have made a list of different types of employees. This list will help you analyze the good and bad of the different employees’ peculiarities.

Types of workers

9 types of employees: Advantages and disadvantages

The toxic person

You have to stay away from these types of people. They are jealous, naughty, jealous and manipulative. Depending on the people they deal with, they can cause more or less damage. If the others they work with are confident and honest, this type will not have any kind of power.

If, on the other hand, they have a high rank, they will often use that power for their own gain. Toxic people like to humiliate, ignore and treat people in a condescending way. They do not mind stepping on their own friends to get what they want. They may end up alone, but will have great influence thanks to their toxic behavior.

The leader

Of these types of employees, this one is the most like a boss. They are motivating, enterprising, have many ideas, and try to make others feel comfortable. They always try to get the best out of any situation, no matter how difficult it is. They often have the same number of admirers as enemies, as they often create envy in other people.

They have a good relationship with their superiors, but are not flattering, nor picky. They like the job, and it is very important to them that their team makes the maximum contribution. This can make them a little too expectant towards people who do not work under them, and can seem annoying to others.


A pessimistic employee is always angry. They never stop complaining, and anything you decide will go wrong. They do not know how to deal with change, and their behavior can cause conflicts between other employees. This type of employee can see nothing but black and white, this makes them panic spreaders. They hardly enjoy good news, and will place great emphasis on bad news.

Despite all these negative traits, the pessimist is not a bad person or employee. They usually do their job correctly (although they never like the results). These people have their feet on the ground. They are adults and can prevent other employees from walking with their heads in the clouds.

The eternal optimist

The eternal optimist, unlike the pessimist, is always in a good mood. Everything seems great, even if nothing goes well. It is very difficult for them to lose heart or feel down, and they always manage to come up with solutions. Face to face with his own or others’ adversity, the optimist is the first to smile and say “It could have been worse.”

Their attitude can sometimes be a little naive. Other people generally like optimists, but only to a certain point. We all have problems and need to know that others feel with us. Hearing an optimist’s ambitious and well-meaning suggestions can lead to a feeling of emotional absence. Life is full of ups and downs, and one is not always more appropriate than the other.

man represents an optimistic worker

Yes men

To begin with, the yes-man agrees with everyone. Depending on his intelligence, he will know who to follow and who to flatter. They are usually seen through. They want to be nice to everyone, so they do not hesitate to give gifts, compliments and praise to those they want to “win”.

Their only intention is to climb higher in rank. This can make it very difficult to distinguish between him and the toxic person. The main difference is that he has no reason to be a bad person or step on others to achieve his own goals.

The kind

The kind is the best companion one can find. They are happy, but not as gullible as the optimist. These employees are generous. They do not hesitate to help others, and adapt quite well to the environment. They can be a bit invisible sometimes because they do not have eccentric or worrying behavior.

They are noble but have their limits. They do not let others humiliate them, and they know when to stand up for themselves. Work means something to them, but also their own dignity.


The genius spends a lot of time alone. They spend almost no time with colleagues. Their behavior is often described as strange or eccentric. They do not like people, and it can sometimes seem as if they would rather work from home, or just another place one in the office. They are usually a little rude and a little tense, which can confuse others.

Despite this, they have an incredible mind. Their ideas are very groundbreaking and creative, they are hard working and, in addition, their work is always impeccable. Their social abilities are often forgiven because of the value of their abilities.

9 types of employees: advantages and disadvantages

The lazy

Of the types of employees that exist, this is the worst. No one knows how they got the job, because they are lazy, inactive and childish. They spend most of their time going from table to table, bothering others with comments or empty talk, which gets in the way of other people’s work.

When there is a break, they are the first to leave and the last to return. They may have been talked about this more than once. In general , they are not good workers and can lead to large losses. The only positive thing about them is their natural ability not to care what others think, as long as no one kicks them.

The gossip

Drtte is the latest on the list of different types of employees. The gossip knows about everything that goes on in the company. They are the first to hear about the news, whether it is related to work or the personal lives of others. They love to be the center of all attention and for others to come to them to hear everything about everyone else.

Despite their popularity, other workers try to avoid trusting them with something important. Their colleagues’ view of them is that they cannot be trusted. They can provide important and confidential information.

Although we have included 9 types of employees with different personalities, they can be divided into hundreds of other groups. By and large, most companies have one or more employees who fit into these categories.

If you see yourself in one of them and do not like what you have read, it may be time to change. Being more optimistic, not caring about gossip, or trying to be a better worker are some of the things you can practice.

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