7 Habits That Lead You Nowhere

7 habits that lead you nowhere

We often add habits unconsciously. You do this simply automatically and you no longer remember why you think a certain way or why you always do things the same way. You end up believing that it is the only way to think or live, and everything is so obvious to you, that you do not even stop and ask questions about it.

Unfortunately , we often adopt these habits based on negative people or experiences. We get used to the black cloud over our heads, and of course, reality ends up proving we were right. Because when we search, we increase the probability of finding.

In the same way that we acquire habits of thought and behavior that lead us nowhere, we can also be aware of ourselves and create new points of reference. It’s not that simple, and yet it can really improve your quality of life. These are seven of these habits that you need to get rid of in order to truly appreciate your existence.

Criticism, one of the most harmful habits

Many people tend to throw out negative comments about anyone, any situation or any reality they encounter. It’s like a chip that is automatically activated and makes us put others down, for no particular reason.

hands pointing at a person

Criticism is valid when it is meant for improvement. But if the only intention is to find the bad in everything, without a greater goal than noticing the negative, you will eventually end up creating an unpleasant atmosphere and, of course, do it so that others also only see the negative in you. .

2. Passively waiting for “something to happen”

This happens when your response to discomfort is not to look at what you can do, but instead wait for something from outside to happen that will resolve the situation. You are waiting for love to show up, or for someone to offer you a better job, or for a doctor to finally give you a prescription that will cure your migraine, or whatever the case may be.

Deep down, you have a fantasy of being saved. You see yourself as someone who has nowhere to turn to solve your problems or go new ways. With the habit of just waiting, you can let the days pass and lose valuable time you can never get back.

Making complaints a way of life

Maybe without even noticing it, you have built up the idea that complaining is a positive thing. You mistakenly think that complaining about things is a way to prove the value of your efforts, or to show that you have gone through so many problems and difficult times.

Maybe you look for a reaction in others, and you get into the habit of complaining to get admiration, approval or unity. But in the end, you get the opposite. This is a harmful pattern of communication that everyone around you gets tired of.

4. To act as if the case “does not concern you”

Avoidance is a very common habit, especially among men, but also in many women. Apparently you want to “avoid overdramatizing” the situation and it is not your agenda to focus on problems, no matter how serious they may be. Maybe you call it “not stressing about it” and you may even be proud of it.

man lying in flower meadow

The truth is that real problems in life can not be avoided. No matter how fast you run, they will always catch you. By trying to ignore them, you nourish them and let them grow. No serious problem solves itself, and sticking your head in the sand does nothing but make it more complicated.

5. To use, consume and more consumption…

Becoming a slave to consumption is a habit that will definitely lead you to unhappiness. You may end up believing that having a cool phone will make you feel blessed. And maybe that’s true… for a few hours. Then you will come back to reality, and you have to focus on a new whim.

Putting your well-being on objects is just one way to project your inner void on others. We all like to shop and pamper ourselves with some new purchases, but when this takes on the role of being your happiness and becomes a habit, we have gone in the wrong direction. We can only expand the emptiness we feel inside.

6. To make a habit of staying home

When we are not feeling well, we tend to become passive and not move from where we are. It is normal for us to need an evening or a few days to get out of this condition. But if you keep doing the same and you make it a habit, it’s time to think about what’s going on with you.

ballet dancer in black dress

The problem is not in itself that you stay inside. The real problem lies in the fact that with this type of behavior, you begin to create a lifestyle that deals with isolation. Isolation, in turn, will nurture a depressive state and the feeling of being even more fragile and vulnerable.

7. To reject new things and changes

Having excessively rigid routines is a way to block yourself. If you always do the same things, it is also certain that your thoughts, feelings and perceptions will begin to be monotonous. It’s like throwing away everything you carry inside.

Changes are always positive as long as they somehow get you out of your comfort zone. This forces you to activate your inner world to achieve a new adaptation. And under these conditions, it is likely that you will see or experience something that will make you feel alive, which shows you that there are many interesting activities beyond the four walls you have become accustomed to living within.

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