5 Revealing Signs That A Child Is Being Bullied

5 revealing signs that a child is being bullied

It is not always easy to see the subtle signs that a child is being bullied. A bullied child will often not say anything about what is happening. The bullies, to ensure that the victim does not tell anyone what they are doing, threaten the victim.

Bullying has been around for a long time. However, it has increased and intensified in recent years due to several factors. In fact, the biggest factor in the availability of new technology is technologies that make it easier to depersonalize.

You never know what the consequences may be when a child is bullied. Sometimes they find a way to deal with it. For others, it affects them so much that it compromises their emotional stability. In other cases, it causes them to sink so deep that the consequences are extreme. That is why it is so important to be aware of the signs that a child is being bullied. We will look at five of them.

1. Unexplained disease

First, when children are bullied, they may have physical symptoms. They tend to be generalized problems. The most common are headaches, nausea and dizziness. It is also very common for them to lose their appetite or change their eating habits. They may refuse to eat something they enjoyed before. They also often begin to develop problems falling asleep or experiencing multiple awakenings.

2. To become introverted and irritable

Behavioral changes are revealing signs that a child is being bullied. They almost always turn inwards. They look thoughtful, quiet and sad. But if they are asked, they say that they are okay and that nothing is wrong.

In addition , they will most likely become irritable and intolerant, and in a bad mood much more often. They express themselves passively-aggressively, such as not responding when talking to or with furteleppe. It is as if they are angry or annoyed all the time.

3. Low academic achievement

Grades at school will usually reflect that if a child is being bullied. Normally the child becomes absent. They forget to do their homework, they misinterpret the teacher’s instructions, or they simply do not want to do their schoolwork.

5 Revealing Signs Of A Child Being Bullied

A bullied child seems mentally absent and does not follow things up. They tend to be distracted, sometimes saying that they do not understand the explanations given in class. It is also common for them to have difficulty getting to school and try to stay home by making excuses.

4. Isolates itself

When a child is bullied, they tend to be isolated. They no longer want to do activities related to school. They stay home much more often and show no enthusiasm for being with or playing with their friends. The child may be in school during school hours, but do not expect them to stay a minute after the bell rings.

As the days go by, their friends will also stop calling them . The child may begin to engage in solitary activities, such as video games. Or they may start spending a lot of time on the computer.

5. Bruises

Finally, from time to time, the child may return home with signs on the body indicating that they have been physically abused. For example, there may be bruises or scratches. However, if a child is bullied, they are not always beaten. Sometimes other children have “just” harassed them and chased them to take their food or laugh at them.

5 Revealing Signs Of A Child Being Bullied

The child will probably refuse to talk about what is happening to them. They can even be aggressive if you insist on asking them questions. Despite this, when you suspect that a child is being bullied or harassed, do not let them push you away. Insist, without pushing them, and stay calm.

If the child does not tell you, it may also be because they do not trust your ability to handle the situation. Maybe they are afraid that you will give them a lecture, or that you will create a problem at school that will only make things worse. So the first thing you need to do is try to increase your child’s trust in you. Then show that you are there to support them and that things will change.

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