3 Painful Truths About Life That We Forget All Too Quickly

3 painful truths about life that we forget all too quickly

Aldous Huxley said “facts do not cease to exist simply because you ignore them”. In fact, the fact that we do not want to face reality does not mean that things will change. However, accepting reality, even if it can hurt, will give us the chance to adapt. But some of these painful truths are the ones we forget all too quickly.

It does not matter if you have lived a long life or a short life. You have probably at some point learned a valuable lesson in a painful way, directly or indirectly. Sometimes it is good for us to remember the truths we have learned the hard way. And also those we have seen others suffer through.

It is not about living in fear, but it is also not about behaving as if life were infinite or as if we will always be able to enjoy the things we have at the moment. Truths can hurt, but they can also help us keep our feet on the ground. And above all, they help us to enjoy the moment of the day with full awareness.

1. Being busy is not the same as being productive

We must all have a goal in life, or at least we should all have it. Our goals require hard work and effort. Being productive means working hard to reach those goals. Something we can not forget is the fact that doing something does not mean that the task will get us closer to the goal we are aiming for.

Productive woman

Many people spend the day doing things. They fill their schedules with activities and spend hour after hour in front of their computer screens. But to reach a goal, you do not have to do much. You just have to do what is necessary. The problem is that what is needed is in most cases quite difficult and complicated. And it is often easier to deal with other things that can possibly be felt as the same.

If you want to achieve something in life, you have to be really productive. You need to think about what you need to do and achieve it effectively. Read about how to do something, plan your future and talk about what to do. Do things to try it, to see what works in this first phase. But if you want to get far and achieve a lot, you need to take even more steps.

Ultimately, it is not what you have done to achieve a certain thing, but what you actually achieved that matters. It does not matter that you have worked hard, or the hours you put in, or the money you invested, or the will you feel, or everything you said or thought. Stop doing things just to do them and start being responsible and aware of your time and your actions.

2. Every success is preceded by failure

Making mistakes is human, and this is one of the most important truths. Some are inevitable, others happen simply because certain factors were not taken into account, were not considered important. It does not matter. If you seek support in your mistakes, you will learn lessons you will not find anywhere else.

When you learn from your mistakes, you improve. Only if you blame yourself and blame yourself for your mistakes will you really fail. Because it in itself prevents you from moving forward.

Flower grows up between rocks

To learn from a mistake, it is necessary to forgive yourself, not to feel embarrassed. Instead, try to see it as a starting point. All great minds have experienced errors at some point. As long as you do not give up, nothing is completely lost.

The difference between master and apprentice is the number of times both have failed. The master has failed many times. The more mistakes you make, the more opportunities you get to learn. And thus, the more you know.

3. Life is very short

The average lifespan of man is just over eighty years. In some areas and cultures, this average may be a little higher or maybe even a little lower. In either case, ten or twenty years is nothing compared to a thousand years of human history or the millions of years of history the universe has.

Death overtakes us all. The world will continue its course and history will continue. But when someone in our life passes away, we experience an enormous surprise and dismay. Even though it was an expected death, something in us has changed.

Woman crying

How many things did the person who passed away have to do or say? How many things will they miss? How many things would you say to them, but did not? How many things do you think you could have changed for them, but you did not?

Many people, when they see that death is approaching, realize that they have made many mistakes. That they let many opportunities pass, that they have not lived freely. They realize that they have always been conditioned by their surroundings. Our time in this life is short. But it is just right if we take full advantage of it. Also, if we live according to our values ​​and seek to grow as human beings, based on the awareness of who we are and what we do.

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